thunderbird / webext-experiments

WebExtension Experiments for Thunderbird
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can web experiment apis use XPCOM #2

Closed RealRaven2000 closed 3 years ago

RealRaven2000 commented 5 years ago

I wanted to start looking into writing some code for Tb63 (I was able to successfully convert the restartless menu on top so it (mostly_ works on Thundebird 63. For my restarting ADd-ons it seems to be much more difficult (more code, I need to convert chrome,manifest) - I managed to write a manifest.json (instead of install.rdf) but my overlays do not work and there are 0 errors in the error console (Tb63b1)

Is there a utilty or documentation on what elements form install.rdf are needed in manifest,json? How does chrome.manifest have to be rewritten? Is there a optionsURL? Can we still load options in a dialog? (SmartTemplate options are context sensitive as the templates are specific to identity of currently selected folder. It would be nice to keep that context and not open the options in a tab)

If I start writing web experiment / API style stuff can the underlying API code access XPCOM? CAn this be written in JavaScript? Is it possible to implement without a working build system? The entry bar for building THunderbird in WIndows is incredibly high, I would rather pay another developer to do that part for me, but I would like a look on how it is done theoretically and write some specs for APIs I would like to call.

The other problems is that my Add-ons have many 1000 lines of code and it seems almost impossible to convert all the code in one go - which mean essentially I have to write my ADd-ons from scratch. A daunting process considering that it may be absolutely successless (APIs might not get access to the function I need, my changes may not be accepted, web extensions may be deprecated by next year if we follow the mad "invention cycle" that Mozilla goes through. I remember clearly how Firefox OS was lauded up the wazoo and then basically was dead 18 months later.

freaktechnik commented 5 years ago

For what goes in the manifest, most of still applies afaik.

Experiments have to be written in JS, in fact. As the readme mentions, most of the WebExtension API development docs apply: - and yes, you can use XPCOM, though you're not in a JSM or an XUL window really. All you need is a Thunderbird that lets you install it, which I assume is almost any TB build compared to FF.