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WebExtension Experiments for Thunderbird
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MailExtension APIs for calendar / lightning #7

Open NeilRashbrook opened 3 years ago

NeilRashbrook commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to write a calendar provider implementation using the draft experiment. Here are my experiences so far:

I can write PRs for some of these at some point if you don't get there first.

Lightning needs to identify meetings by their UID. (It was a light-bulb moment when I realised this was how Lightning looked up an invitation in the Inbox and linked it to a event in the calendar.) Now I've historically stored the server-side item id (which is a completely different id) in the metadata so that if the server tells me that an event was deleted I can find the corresponding UID by looking through the calendar's metadata, and also so that if the user changes the event then I can find it on the server from the metadata (obviously the server's id is not a property of the event). I assume you're going to tell me that as an extension I should be using extension storage instead for this, which somewhat defeats the object of supporting metadata. But if I can keep on using metadata, then I need to be able to access the metadata before an item is deleted, and I also need a way to get all of the metadata, so that I can look up the server-side id and find the UID from it. My idea was to return it when doing a get on the cached calendar. (I also still wonder what to do with the variables the server gives me to help my stay in sync. Historically I've saved those as calendar properties.)

Speaking of UID, I don't know whether it would be less confusing to use uid rather than id as the name of the identifier of an event?

It would be nice if it was possible to synchronise just one calendar. Currently if your extension isn't ready then it misses out for half an hour, or otherwise it forces everything to synchronise.

It's annoying that the API for creating and updating events is subtly different, in that creating events requires you to have the id and type as members of the properties, while updating passes the id as a separate parameter and not in the properties. My preference would be to have createEvent, createTask and update methods, all having parameters calendar, id, properties.

The dates in items are currently being provided in iCal format. I'm in two minds about this, as I'm used to using ISO date format in JSON, but may also be some advantages to iCal format.

Obviously only a few event and task fields are currently supported, but there are lots of considerations for the future, such as whether the user has requested invitations, and whether the extension supports them or should let Lightning handle them.

Finally (well, so far at least) I'd like to note that I found the cache API awkward. I think it would be more obvious to have the functions which operate on the cache (particularly clear, but also the functions for item modification) in the calendar.provider namespace rather than faking it using a cacheId.

NeilRashbrook commented 3 years ago

Your existing convertAlarm function, which I hadn't realised was there before (because it's currently only used for firing alarms), only provides the alarm offset as an iCal string, and I don't have any way of converting it to (say) seconds.

NeilRashbrook commented 3 years ago

I've just realised that you're not actually supporting scheduling meetings yet, which is why invitations just show up as events.

Who's going to be responsible for emails? Ideally, I'd like to opt-in to sending emails. I'd prefer to be given the MIME source. While I can generate invitations and cancellations independently I would need to know when to send cancellations as part of the deletion of a meeting. Responding to invitations is also tricky, as Lightning doesn't conveniently provide that information at all.