thundercomb / poetrydb

The Internet's first Poetry API
GNU General Public License v2.0
523 stars 35 forks source link

Allow origin any #14

Closed tenyo closed 5 years ago

tenyo commented 5 years ago

I'm working on a pure JS app which talks to the PoetryDB API but it's currently being blocked by the browser. This PR enables CORS and addresses I tested it locally and it seems to work OK.

thundercomb commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tenyo, appreciate the PR. I will look at it more closely over the next few days and get back to you as soon as I can.

thundercomb commented 5 years ago

Ruby versions needs updating for Heroku but will merge this commit first

tenyo commented 5 years ago

Thanks @thundercomb for merging and for creating this awesome API! My app is running at - right now it's just pulling random poems from PoetryDB with an endless scroll.

thundercomb commented 5 years ago

Nice work! One can discover many new poems this way :-)

You're welcome, I'm pleased that it is useful.

HoloPollock commented 4 years ago

The Cors Issue seems to be back

thundercomb commented 4 years ago

The Cors Issue seems to be back

Hi @HoloPollock, thanks for reporting. How are you seeing the issue manifest? Are you able to reproduce the error for example with curl?

The site's proxy caching could be influencing it, however a quick check on either side of purging the cache didn't show up anything unusual - although I could be missing something:

$ curl -H "Origin:" -L --verbose 
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> Origin:
< access-control-allow-origin: *

PS: please note that poetrydb recently moved to https by default, so all http will get redirected.

HoloPollock commented 4 years ago

So that is the weird thing it says that it accepts everything but when I go to a website that uses poetry db and I get this Screen Shot 2020-07-09 at 11 53 09 AM

this is visible on the link that tenyo sent above

thundercomb commented 4 years ago

When you say "a website that uses poetry db", do you mean a public website - or one that you have control over?

From what I can see this might be different from the original issue, when CORS was not enabled at all. At that time the error was No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin [..] is therefore not allowed access'. In the present case it looks like Cross-origin redirection [https://..] denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: Origin [] is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Fetch API cannot load [http://..] due to access control checks.

3 things I can think of to look at:

HoloPollock commented 4 years ago

Update it was the http to redirecting with the CORS header properly changing to https from http fixes the issue

thundercomb commented 4 years ago

Great, I am glad you were able to find a solution.