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help on backend #42

Open dwmarcuskim opened 5 years ago

dwmarcuskim commented 5 years ago
  1. When we do GET on /user/:pk, it does not returns enough information of meeting_hosted, meeting_set, membership_set. However, to show meetings as icon, we also need more information of those meetings. Please send the JSON as GET on /search/:pk.

  2. I need to GET recent meetings for front page. I will think of use infinite scrolling (as facebook) on it, so please give function of returning meetings of (id ~ id + 9), when GET to /meetings/new/:id.

  3. Please check the PUT on the user detail, and meeting detail.

    • Added on 0602: PUT not works on tag_set field.
  4. Please check for photo field. -> need work together

  5. It might be great if user can go to user page via click nametag on comment. So please serialize profile id together when serialize comment too!

    • Currently it only returns user's nickname, instead of user's id.
    • User's id is also useful, since it can provide link to user page, and determine whether show '수정', '삭제' button to current user or not.
  6. Please add Latitude, Longitude on region! Currently working on frontend form

Added on 0611

  1. We also need API on backend for Cancel joining meeting, Cancel approving meeting.

  2. When photo upload is done, please send user profile image when "GET" on '/users/'. It's for small profile icon on Toolbar.

  3. It will be better to seperate meeting in 3 sets. 'Hosted', 'Pending', 'Joined'

    • Currently, at the get on '/user//', it returns meeting Hosted[], and Pending, Joined as one array.

Added on 0616

  1. On notification. Please send meeting name together, so that fronted can show it to users.

Please mark it as done by comment, when each one finished.

calofmijuck commented 5 years ago

What does "id" mean? "id" increases as meetings are added.

calofmijuck commented 5 years ago

2, 3 have been implemented. You will be able to check them on the back branch. For 4, I will check later For 1, I will do it soon.

dwmarcuskim commented 5 years ago

2, 3 problem cleared (by @calofmijuck )

One additional Problem 5 It might be great if user can go to user page via click nametag on comment. So please serialize profile id together when serialize comment too!

dwmarcuskim commented 5 years ago

frontend yet dealing with problem 2, 3 yet... Probably done on tomorrow.

dwmarcuskim commented 5 years ago

Added in 0602 Problem 3 on meeting yet resolved. It makes error on Tag.

calofmijuck commented 5 years ago
  1. Solved

  2. PUT method on tag_set has been resolved.

  3. The comment serializer already contains a field called 'writer'. It contains the profile id of the writer.

  4. Coordinates were added, and you can search using distance and location

The server was also updated accordingly. Please test them and let me know if there are any problems.

dwmarcuskim commented 5 years ago

Edited on 0611 On problem 5, backend only shows id of comment, nickname of user, and text.

mizuv commented 5 years ago

9 7 5

mizuv commented 5 years ago

9 Completed

dwmarcuskim commented 5 years ago

Not sure if 7 is working on now or not.