Hello Developers,
I would like to suggest three features that can help me out improving my app.
1. Column scrolling to down / up automatically from the properties or block section.
The reason I request this feature because it is so important in in-app messaging so the messages will be scrolled to down instead of up just like messaging Behavior in WhatsApp or Messenger or any message app. To make it easy for users to read from bottom of the screen.
2. Speed up Cloud variable and Real-time dB
As I examine the app with both of these components I found out that Real-time dB is a bit faster than Cloud but both of them slow when they carry lots of information.
I would like to speed up the process of sending and receiving data even the date is huge. This will be perfectly great for in-app messaging to be smooth.
3. Copy to Clipboard
Many users who use my app needs to Copy some text from the app because users send info via in-app messaging among each others.
4. Notification while app is not running (Most Requested Feature"
This is the most feature that can make many developers' apps perfect and professional. For instant, in my app, users need to notify their friends, students or teachers via in-app messaging while they are not running the app.
This feature can also be the key of many great apps that server lots of people like "Classes time reminder" which can be used by schools or messaging app because users don't have to keep running the app to see what happens in it. They can be notified easily even while they out of the app.
5. Free User on Thunkable
I think most of Thunkers will be so happy to see these points applied soon:
A. Increase downloads per month.
Two downloads are too few because Thunkers always see bugs after installing APKs so they need more downloads and this will be appreciated.
B. The month app.
Giving a pro user each month for the user who builds the month app. It gives opportunity to smart Thunkers who cannot pay.
C. Supporting Thunkers who has apps that serves many people and has thousands of downloads.
I hope these features will be taken into consideration.
Hello Developers, I would like to suggest three features that can help me out improving my app.
1. Column scrolling to down / up automatically from the properties or block section.
2. Speed up Cloud variable and Real-time dB
3. Copy to Clipboard Many users who use my app needs to Copy some text from the app because users send info via in-app messaging among each others. 4. Notification while app is not running (Most Requested Feature"
I hope these features will be taken into consideration.
My regards, I THINK I THUNK Hayder Iraq