Closed sbaban closed 5 years ago
in TransE/TrainTransE.cpp line 166 . 在Transe论文中,作者提到只限制实体的L2norm为1,不需限制relation with the additional constraints that the L2-norm of the embeddings of the entities is 1 (no regularization or norm constraints are given to the label embeddings ).
这一行代码 norm(relation_tmp[fb_r[i]]); 是否是多余的
我看了 openKE的代码,有这样的感受:代码极烂!
in TransE/TrainTransE.cpp line 166 . 在Transe论文中,作者提到只限制实体的L2norm为1,不需限制relation with the additional constraints that the L2-norm of the embeddings of the entities is 1 (no regularization or norm constraints are given to the label embeddings ).
norm(relation_tmp[fb_r[i]]); 是否是多余的