I am using the trainer object and have been unable to produce a classification matrix for my validation or test results.
The test and inference epoch functions give one value for the total macro f1 score, but I was unable to have returned the macro precision and recall as well.
Is there an option to have just the labels and predictions returned that way I can just compute the required metrics. In the hugging face trainer, there is a predict function that does that, does the openprompt trainer have anything similar.
I am using the trainer object and have been unable to produce a classification matrix for my validation or test results.
The test and inference epoch functions give one value for the total macro f1 score, but I was unable to have returned the macro precision and recall as well.
Is there an option to have just the labels and predictions returned that way I can just compute the required metrics. In the hugging face trainer, there is a predict function that does that, does the openprompt trainer have anything similar.