thuydang / ansible_quicklab

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devops.dnsmasq not found #1

Open thuydang opened 5 years ago

thuydang commented 5 years ago

It seems like the package is not available anymore.

thuydang commented 5 years ago

Testing debops.dnsmasq.

drybjed commented 5 years ago

Hello. DebOps development was switched to a single monorepo to allow for easier development. A few weeks ago I imported the monorepo to Ansible Galaxy and removed the individual roles. Unfortunately it seems that existing ansible-galaxy command does not correctly deal with this, and the new Mazer project is not ready for production yet.

Right now the best way to get DebOps roles is to clone the monorepo directly and add the directory with the roles to the ansible.cfg configuration file, roles_path parameter. That way you can get the roles easily if you don't want to use the whole project. Alternatively, you can install DebOps via pip:

pip install debops

This will install the current stable version of DebOps with the roles included.

thuydang commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the information and your works. Long ago, I cloned an earlier version of DebOps with dnsmasq roles to use in my project. It still works for me. I will try the new repo when I have a chance.