PHP Warning: Undefined property: Thybag\Auth\SharePointOnlineAuth::$_login in vendor/thybag/php-sharepoint-lists-api/src/Thybag/Auth/SharePointOnlineAuth.php on line 78
Warning: Undefined property: Thybag\Auth\SharePointOnlineAuth::$_password in vendor/thybag/php-sharepoint-lists-api/src/Thybag/Auth/SharePointOnlineAuth.php on line 79
This is because at least in PHP 8.1, _login and _password are private, and the child class cannot access this anymore.
A backwards-compatible workaround for this problem would be to catch the options in a custom constructor, and using them later.
When #177 is fixed, the next problem appears:
This is because at least in PHP 8.1, _login and _password are private, and the child class cannot access this anymore.
A backwards-compatible workaround for this problem would be to catch the options in a custom constructor, and using them later.