thyseus / yii-user-management

a user management module collection for the yii framework
186 stars 122 forks source link

Not able to install... #27

Open michaeltse opened 12 years ago

michaeltse commented 12 years ago

Hi Sir ,

I am following the install_tutorial.txt and I thought I installed successfully after running http://localhost/testdrive/index.php?r=user/install But then I am not able to install the registration page as teached in the user/doc/registration.txt

Could you give me some assistant please?

Thanks Michael email:

Nicolas400 commented 12 years ago

I cannot install also, I have version RC8 running downloaded from yii. I create a new and fresh web app, and it seems that don't work

It's strange because it raises this warning: include(UserModule.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Any idea ? Best Regards

danijel-programmer commented 12 years ago

I have same problem as michaeltse. After following the install_tutorial.txt I have blank page when running http://localhost/testdrive/index.php?r=user/install.

selorm commented 12 years ago

For the registration not working, u have to add this line to main.php inside config 'registration'=> array( ), Also, @Nicolas400 download the latest build on Github since there's been some issues with previous versions and has been fixed here and be more specific and detailed on your errors so we can help

wdeca commented 11 years ago

Have same issue as above. Please find below the PHP warning. I'm running the Yii 1.1.12. I followed as the others the manual. Hope this isn't overdoing it? Have reinstalled after tfirst time with a new ZIP dowload. And still get the below remarks.

PHP warning

include(UserModule.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


411 { 412 include($classFile); 413 if(YII_DEBUG && basename(realpath($classFile))!==$className.'.php') 414 throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Class name "{class}" does not match class file "{file}".', array( 415 '{class}'=>$className, 416 '{file}'=>$classFile, 417 ))); 418 break; 419 } 420 } 421 } 422 else 423 include($className.'.php'); 424 } 425 else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3 426 { 427 $namespace=str_replace('\','.',ltrim($className,'\')); 428 if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false) 429 include($path.'.php'); 430 else 431 return false; 432 } 433 return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false); 434 } 435 return true; Stack Trace


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\YiiBase.php(423): YiiBase::autoload() 418 break; 419 } 420 } 421 } 422 else 423 include($className.'.php'); 424 } 425 else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3 426 { 427 $namespace=str_replace('\','.',ltrim($className,'\')); 428 if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false)


unknown(0): YiiBase::autoload("UserModule")


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\YiiBase.php(208): spl_autoload_call("UserModule") 203 if($n===2) 204 $object=new $type($args[1]); 205 else if($n===3) 206 $object=new $type($args[1],$args[2]); 207 else if($n===4) 208 $object=new $type($args[1],$args[2],$args[3]); 209 else 210 { 211 unset($args[0]); 212 $class=new ReflectionClass($type); 213 // Note: ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs() is available for PHP 5.1.3+


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\base\CModule.php(283): YiiBase::createComponent("user.UserModule", "user", null, array("debug" => true)) 278 { 279 Yii::trace("Loading \"$id\" module",'system.base.CModule'); 280 $class=$config['class']; 281 unset($config['class'], $config['enabled']); 282 if($this===Yii::app()) 283 $module=Yii::createComponent($class,$id,null,$config); 284 else 285 $module=Yii::createComponent($class,$this->getId().'/'.$id,$this,$config); 286 return $this->_modules[$id]=$module; 287 } 288 }


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(338): CModule->getModule("user") 333 Yii::createComponent($owner->controllerMap[$id],$id,$owner===$this?null:$owner), 334 $this->parseActionParams($route), 335 ); 336 } 337 338 if(($module=$owner->getModule($id))!==null) 339 return $this->createController($route,$module); 340 341 $basePath=$owner->getControllerPath(); 342 $controllerID=''; 343 }


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(277): CWebApplication->createController("user/install") 272 * @param string $route the route of the current request. See {@link createController} for more details. 273 * @throws CHttpException if the controller could not be created. 274 _/ 275 public function runController($route) 276 { 277 if(($ca=$this->createController($route))!==null) 278 { 279 list($controller,$actionID)=$ca; 280 $oldController=$this->_controller; 281 $this->_controller=$controller; 282 $controller->init();


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(142): CWebApplication->runController("user/install") 137 foreach(array_splice($this->catchAllRequest,1) as $name=>$value) 138 $GET[$name]=$value; 139 } 140 else 141 $route=$this->getUrlManager()->parseUrl($this->getRequest()); 142 $this->runController($route); 143 } 144 145 / 146 * Registers the core application components. 147 \ This method overrides the parent implementation by registering additional core components.


– C:\xampp\yii\framework\base\CApplication.php(162): CWebApplication->processRequest() 157 / 158 public function run() 159 { 160 if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeginRequest')) 161 $this->onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this)); 162 $this->processRequest(); 163 if($this->hasEventHandler('onEndRequest')) 164 $this->onEndRequest(new CEvent($this)); 165 } 166 167 /*


– C:\xampp\htdocs\flintapp\index.php(13): CApplication->run() 08 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true); 09 // specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message 10 defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3); 11 12 require_once($yii); 13 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();

YuriyL commented 11 years ago

Short open tags '<?' are used in code of this module. And similar error appears if short_open_tag set to Off in your php.ini file. Try to set in the php.ini short_open_tag = On This solved the problem for me.

reifman commented 11 years ago

This drove me nuts too - but the short_open_tag on fixed it.

gsanox commented 10 years ago

For everyone ho has problems installing this extesion I had a lot of trouble installing because of the short_opening_tags, since I'm not the owner of the server, and php 5.5.4 is installed I cannot change the preference in the php.ini so I replace all the short opening tags <? to complete opening tags <?php using this script:


path="." if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ -d "$1" ] then path="$1" elif [ ! -z "$1" ] then echo "Invalid path defined, using default." fi

echo "Searching for php short open tags…" echo "Starting path: $path" find $path -name '.php' -type f -exec perl -i -wpe 's/<\?=/<\?php echo /g' '{}' \; find $path -name '.php' -type f -exec perl -i -wpe 's/<\?/<\?php/g' '{}' \; find $path -name '*.php' -type f -exec perl -i -wpe 's/<\?phpphp/<\?php/g' '{}' \;

echo 'Done!'

credits goes to author of the script: