ti-click / laravel-with-colopl-tidb-driver-realworld-example-app

Laravel implementation of the RealWorld app
MIT License
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Running API postman tests in gitpod ide #5

Open dulao5 opened 1 year ago

dulao5 commented 1 year ago


gitpod /workspace/realworld/api (main) $ APIURL=http://localhost:8080/api ./run-api-tests.sh
+++ dirname ./run-api-tests.sh
++ cd .
++ pwd
+ SCRIPTDIR=/workspace/realworld/api
+ APIURL=http://localhost:8080/api
++ date +%s
+ USERNAME=u1666492400
+ EMAIL=u1666492400@mail.com
+ PASSWORD=password
+ npx newman run /workspace/realworld/api/Conduit.postman_collection.json --delay-request 500 --global-var APIURL=http://localhost:8080/api --global-var USERNAME=u1666492400 --global-var EMAIL=u1666492400@mail.com --global-var PASSWORD=password
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.


❏ Auth
↳ Register
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/users [200 OK, 749B, 120ms]
  ✓  Response contains "user" property
  ✓  User has "email" property
  ✓  User has "username" property
  1. User has "bio" property
  2. User has "image" property
  ✓  User has "token" property

↳ Login
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/login [200 OK, 769B, 71ms]
  ✓  Response contains "user" property
  ✓  User has "email" property
  ✓  User has "username" property
  ✓  User has "bio" property
  3. User has "image" property
  ✓  User has "token" property

↳ Login and Remember Token
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/login [200 OK, 769B, 71ms]
  ✓  Response contains "user" property
  ✓  User has "email" property
  ✓  User has "username" property
  ✓  User has "bio" property
  4. User has "image" property
  ✓  User has "token" property
  ✓  Global variable "token" has been set

↳ Current User
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/user [200 OK, 769B, 19ms]
  ✓  Response contains "user" property
  ✓  User has "email" property
  ✓  User has "username" property
  ✓  User has "bio" property
  5. User has "image" property
  ✓  User has "token" property

↳ Update User
  PUT http://localhost:8080/api/user [422 Unprocessable Entity, 455B, 20ms]
  6. Response contains "user" property
  7. User has "email" property
  8. User has "username" property
  9. User has "bio" property
 10. User has "image" property
 11. User has "token" property

❏ Articles
↳ All Articles
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles [200 OK, 27.06kB, 35ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Articles by Author
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?author=johnjacob [200 OK, 362B, 17ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  articlesCount is 0 when feed is empty

↳ Articles Favorited by Username
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?favorited=u1666492400 [200 OK, 362B, 17ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  articlesCount is 0 when feed is empty

↳ Articles by Tag
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?tag=dragons [200 OK, 362B, 18ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  articlesCount is 0 when feed is empty

❏ Articles, Favorite, Comments
↳ Create Article
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/articles [201 Created, 706B, 30ms]
  ✓  Response contains "article" property
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Feed
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles/feed [200 OK, 27.42kB, 34ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ All Articles
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles [200 OK, 27.42kB, 30ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ All Articles with auth
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles [200 OK, 27.42kB, 33ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Articles by Author
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?author=u1666492400 [200 OK, 722B, 26ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Articles by Author with auth
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?author=u1666492400 [200 OK, 722B, 25ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Single Article by slug
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon [200 OK, 701B, 23ms]
  ✓  Response contains "article" property
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Articles by Tag
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?tag=dragons [200 OK, 722B, 25ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  An article was returned
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
 12. The first tag is dragons
 13. The second tag is training
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Update Article
  PUT http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon [200 OK, 680B, 27ms]
  ✓  Response contains "article" property
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer

↳ Favorite Article
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon/favorite [200 OK, 679B, 24ms]
  ✓  Response contains "article" property
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article's 'favorited' property is true
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer
 14. Article's 'favoritesCount' property is greater than 0

↳ Articles Favorited by Username
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?favorited=u1666492400 [200 OK, 700B, 24ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
 15. favoritesCount is 1

↳ Articles Favorited by Username with auth
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles?favorited=u1666492400 [200 OK, 700B, 25ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "articles" property
  ✓  Response contains "articlesCount" property
  ✓  articlesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
 16. favoritesCount is 1

↳ Unfavorite Article
  DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon/favorite [200 OK, 680B, 28ms]
  ✓  Response contains "article" property
  ✓  Article has "title" property
  ✓  Article has "slug" property
  ✓  Article has "body" property
  ✓  Article has "createdAt" property
  ✓  Article's "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  Article's "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Article has "description" property
  ✓  Article has "tagList" property
  ✓  Article's "tagList" property is an Array
  ✓  Article has "author" property
  ✓  Article has "favorited" property
  ✓  Article has "favoritesCount" property
  ✓  favoritesCount is an integer
  ✓  Article's "favorited" property is false

↳ Create Comment for Article
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon/comments [201 Created, 562B, 24ms]
  ✓  Response contains "comment" property
  ✓  Comment has "id" property
  ✓  Comment has "body" property
  ✓  Comment has "createdAt" property
  ✓  "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Comment has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Comment has "author" property

↳ All Comments for Article
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon/comments [200 OK, 560B, 24ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "comments" property
  ✓  Comment has "id" property
  ✓  Comment has "body" property
  ✓  Comment has "createdAt" property
  ✓  "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Comment has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Comment has "author" property

↳ All Comments for Article without login
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon/comments [200 OK, 560B, 20ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "comments" property
  ✓  Comment has "id" property
  ✓  Comment has "body" property
  ✓  Comment has "createdAt" property
  ✓  "createdAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Comment has "updatedAt" property
  ✓  "updatedAt" property is an ISO 8601 timestamp
  ✓  Comment has "author" property

↳ Delete Comment for Article
  DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon/comments/6052837899185947000 [404 Not Found, 12.3kB, 19ms]

↳ Delete Article
  DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/articles/how-to-train-your-dragon [200 OK, 328B, 22ms]

❏ Profiles
↳ Register Celeb
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/users [200 OK, 761B, 73ms]
  ✓  Response contains "user" property
  ✓  User has "email" property
  ✓  User has "username" property
 17. User has "bio" property
 18. User has "image" property
  ✓  User has "token" property

↳ Profile
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/profiles/celeb_u1666492400 [200 OK, 415B, 19ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "profile" property
  ✓  Profile has "username" property
  ✓  Profile has "bio" property
  ✓  Profile has "image" property
  ✓  Profile has "following" property

↳ Follow Profile
  POST http://localhost:8080/api/profiles/celeb_u1666492400/follow [200 OK, 414B, 18ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "profile" property
  ✓  Profile has "username" property
  ✓  Profile has "bio" property
  ✓  Profile has "image" property
  ✓  Profile has "following" property
  ✓  Profile's "following" property is true

↳ Unfollow Profile
  DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/profiles/celeb_u1666492400/follow [200 OK, 415B, 22ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "profile" property
  ✓  Profile has "username" property
  ✓  Profile has "bio" property
  ✓  Profile has "image" property
  ✓  Profile has "following" property
  ✓  Profile's "following" property is false

❏ Tags
↳ All Tags
  GET http://localhost:8080/api/tags [200 OK, 620B, 16ms]
  ✓  Response code is 200 OK
  ✓  Response contains "tags" property
  ✓  "tags" property returned as array

│                         │          executed │            failed │
│              iterations │                 1 │                 0 │
│                requests │                32 │                 0 │
│            test-scripts │                48 │                 0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │                18 │                 0 │
│              assertions │               344 │                18 │
│ total run duration: 17.7s                                       │
│ total data received: 127.29kB (approx)                          │
│ average response time: 31ms [min: 16ms, max: 120ms, s.d.: 21ms] │

   #  failure                            detail                                                                                                                                    

 01.  AssertionError                     User has "bio" property                                                                                                                   
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:3 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Register"                                                                                                                  

 02.  AssertionError                     User has "image" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:4 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Register"                                                                                                                  

 03.  AssertionError                     User has "image" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:4 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Login"                                                                                                                     

 04.  AssertionError                     User has "image" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:4 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Login and Remember Token"                                                                                                  

 05.  AssertionError                     User has "image" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:4 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Current User"                                                                                                              

 06.  AssertionError                     Response contains "user" property                                                                                                         
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:0 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Update User"                                                                                                               

 07.  AssertionError                     User has "email" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:1 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Update User"                                                                                                               

 08.  AssertionError                     User has "username" property                                                                                                              
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:2 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Update User"                                                                                                               

 09.  AssertionError                     User has "bio" property                                                                                                                   
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:3 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Update User"                                                                                                               

 10.  AssertionError                     User has "image" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:4 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Update User"                                                                                                               

 11.  AssertionError                     User has "token" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:5 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Auth / Update User"                                                                                                               

 12.  AssertionError                     The first tag is dragons                                                                                                                  
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:15 in test-script                                                                                                            
                                         inside "Articles, Favorite, Comments / Articles by Tag"                                                                                   

 13.  AssertionError                     The second tag is training                                                                                                                
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:16 in test-script                                                                                                            
                                         inside "Articles, Favorite, Comments / Articles by Tag"                                                                                   

 14.  AssertionError                     Article's 'favoritesCount' property is greater than 0                                                                                     
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:16 in test-script                                                                                                            
                                         inside "Articles, Favorite, Comments / Favorite Article"                                                                                  

 15.  AssertionError                     favoritesCount is 1                                                                                                                       
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:17 in test-script                                                                                                            
                                         inside "Articles, Favorite, Comments / Articles Favorited by Username"                                                                    

 16.  AssertionError                     favoritesCount is 1                                                                                                                       
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:17 in test-script                                                                                                            
                                         inside "Articles, Favorite, Comments / Articles Favorited by Username with auth"                                                          

 17.  AssertionError                     User has "bio" property                                                                                                                   
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:3 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Profiles / Register Celeb"                                                                                                        

 18.  AssertionError                     User has "image" property                                                                                                                 
                                         expected false to be truthy                                                                                                               
                                         at assertion:4 in test-script                                                                                                             
                                         inside "Profiles / Register Celeb"      
dulao5 commented 1 year ago
スクリーンショット 2022-10-23 13 36 34
dulao5 commented 1 year ago
スクリーンショット 2022-10-23 13 47 34