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Update django-debug-toolbar to 4.4.6 #506

Open pyup-bot opened 4 months ago

pyup-bot commented 4 months ago

This PR updates django-debug-toolbar from 3.7.0 to 4.4.6.

Changelog ### 4.4.6 ``` What's Changed * Close 1509: Revert the infinite recursion fix, Django has changed the behavior by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1955 * Fixed order and grammatical number of panels in documentation by bkdekoning in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1956 * Alerts panel: Only process HTML responses by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1960 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.4.5...4.4.6 ``` ### 4.4.5 ``` What's Changed * Fix 1951: Do not crash if the 'alerts' key doesn't exist by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1953 * Only import the jinja2 instrumentation when jinja2 itself is importable by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1954 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.4.4...4.4.5 ``` ### 4.4.4 ``` What's Changed * Check for for StreamingHttpResponse when generating stats in Alert by danjac in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1946 * Actually use the Jinja2 template backend by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1882 New Contributors * danjac made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1946 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.4.3...4.4.4 ``` ### 4.4.3 ``` What's Changed * Fix overriding font-family for both light and dark themes by federicobond in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1930 * Restore compatibility with iptools.IpRangeList by quinox in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1929 * Limit the cases for E001 to likely scenarios by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1925 * Introduce debug_toolbar_urls to simplify installation by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1926 * Fixed 1682 -- alert user when using file field without proper encoding by bkdekoning in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1933 * Remove rem units from svg by michjnich in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1942 New Contributors * quinox made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1929 * bkdekoning made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1933 * michjnich made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1942 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.4.2...4.4.3 ``` ### 4.4.2 ``` What's Changed * [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1909 * Avoid setting color-scheme on :root, we're only a guest on pages by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1923 * Add a section to the installation docs about running tests by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1921 * Version 4.4.2 by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1924 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.4.1...4.4.2 ``` ### 4.4.1 ``` What's changed See [changelog for 4.4.1](https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/blob/main/docs/changes.rst#441-2024-05-26) PRs merged * Limit metadata version for Jazzband's release process by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1916 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.4...4.4.1 ``` ### 4.4 ``` **Note:** Version 4.4 (4.4.0) was not released to PyPI due to a metadata version incompatibility. Version 4.4.1 fixes that. What's changed See [changelog for 4.4](https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/blob/main/docs/changes.rst#440-2024-05-26) PRs merged * Use url template tag for example URLs by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1879 * Keep GitHub Actions up to date with GitHub's Dependabot by cclauss in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1876 * 1870 fix pre commit errors by elijah0kello in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1884 * Show toolbar for docker's internal IP address by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1887 * Raise the minimum Django version to 4.2 by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1880 * 1847 improve handling when djdt views dont respond with json by elineda in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1877 * Fix DeprecationWarnings about form default templates by pfouque in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1878 * Add architecture documentation for the project. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1890 * Remove obsolete staticfiles check by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1894 * Make tox pass selenium environment variables by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1892 * Allow more control over tox Selenium tests by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1897 * Deprecate OBSERVE_REQUEST_CALLBACK setting by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1895 * Docs > Add a note on the profiling panel doc by elineda in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1899 * 'djdt' is not a registered namespace 1405 by VeldaKiara in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1889 * Remove unnecessary GitHub Graph info by jeffwidman in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1910 * New coverage.yml for code coverage by salty-ivy in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1912 * Dark mode support by TheRealVizard in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1913 * Fix theme selenium integration test. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1915 New Contributors * elijah0kello made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1884 * pfouque made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1878 * jeffwidman made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1910 * salty-ivy made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1912 * TheRealVizard made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1913 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.3...4.4 ``` ### 4.3 ``` What's Changed * docs(panels): remove very old / outdated third-party panels by Zerotask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1825 * Add note on lack of async support to docs by salomvary in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1829 * do not quote SQL params before passing them to mogrify by tkoschnick in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1832 * panels(templates): avoid evaluating LazyObject by nijel in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1833 * Support Django 5.0 by adamchainz in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1839 * Add Python 3.12 to the test matrix. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1816 * Fix `utils.get_name_from_obj` proper view names by leandrodesouzadev in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1846 * pyproject.toml: Work on the readability of ruff settings by cclauss in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1850 * Switch to ruff format by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1852 * Fix 1858 -- Drop support for Django 4.0 by pauloxnet in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1859 * Fix 1860 -- Update GitHub action versions by pauloxnet in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1861 * Refactor is_project_func method for Windows compatibility by DraKen0009 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1857 * Configure ESLint using a JS file instead of JSON by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1868 * pre-commit-config: Upgrade ruff by cclauss in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1869 * The djdt handle shouldn't be stuck at the top of the browser window initially 1853 by VeldaKiara in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1871 * 1843 new ajax request resets whole view if historypanel is enabled by elineda in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1872 New Contributors * Zerotask made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1825 * salomvary made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1829 * tkoschnick made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1832 * nijel made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1833 * DraKen0009 made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1857 * VeldaKiara made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1871 * elineda made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1872 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.2...4.3 ``` ### 4.2 ``` What's Changed * Fixed 1780 -- Adjusted system check to allow for nested template loa… by carltongibson in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1783 * Include all files in sdist archives by mgorny in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1785 * SQL panel work by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1786 * Use ruff for linting by WhyNotHugo in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1781 * Minor testing cleanups by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1782 * Fix 1792: Lowercase all cookie keys, actually allow overriding the samesite value by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1793 * More rules for ruff by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1794 * Fix CI tests with MariaDB. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1797 * Switch StaticFilesPanel to use ContextVar. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1801 * Check JavaScript files content type. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1802 * Handle logging queries encoded as bytes under PostgreSQL by Lucidiot in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1812 * Patch CursorWrapper dynamically to allow multiple base classes. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1820 New Contributors * mgorny made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1785 * WhyNotHugo made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1781 * Lucidiot made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1812 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.1...4.2 ``` ### 4.1 ``` What's Changed * [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1755 * SQL query formatting improvements by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1752 * Use the new STORAGES setting in Django 4.2 by radwon in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1759 * [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1761 * Switch to sphinx 7's intersphinx_mapping usage. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1767 * [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1766 * [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1768 * Fix 1711 Improve installation page formats by pauloxnet in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1772 * Don't try to undo cache method monkey patching by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1770 * Add theming support by GergelyKalmar in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1760 * Replace deprecated GitHub Actions set-output commands by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1774 * Fix psycopg3 tests by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1773 * Replace time.time() with time.perf_counter() by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1777 * Bump coverage percentage to 94% by living180 in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1776 * D9pouces wsgi.multiprocess 1 by d9pouces in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1765 * [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1778 * Version 4.1.0 by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1779 New Contributors * GergelyKalmar made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1760 * d9pouces made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1765 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/4.0.0...4.1 ``` ### 4.0.0 ``` * Added Django 4.2a1 to the CI. * Dropped support for Python 3.7. * Fixed PostgreSQL raw query with a tuple parameter during on explain. * Use ``TOOLBAR_LANGUAGE`` setting when rendering individual panels that are loaded via AJAX. * Add decorator for rendering toolbar views with ``TOOLBAR_LANGUAGE``. * Removed the logging panel. The panel's implementation was too complex, caused memory leaks and sometimes very verbose and hard to silence output in some environments (but not others). The maintainers judged that time and effort is better invested elsewhere. * Added support for psycopg3. * When ``ENABLE_STACKTRACE_LOCALS`` is ``True``, the stack frames' locals dicts will be converted to strings when the stack trace is captured rather when it is rendered, so that the correct values will be displayed in the rendered stack trace, as they may have changed between the time the stack trace was captured and when it is rendered. ``` ### 3.8.1 ``` What's Changed * fix: Simplify logic for Panel.enabled property by adamantike in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1676 * Auto-update History panel with JavaScript fetch requests. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1685 * Improve the template_source view coverage a bit by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1688 * Support rerendering the toolbar on HTMX boosted pages. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1686 * Include panel scripts in content when RENDER_PANELS=True by matthiask in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1689 * Fixed 1693 -- Run tests on python 3.11 by pauloxnet in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1694 * Add divide by zero protection in timer.js by SmailBestybay in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1687 * Fixed 1695 - Run test on Python 3.11 for Django 4.1 by pauloxnet in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1696 * Create one-time mouseup listener for each mousedown by scuml in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1697 * Update package metadata by ofek in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1690 * Validate and format pyproject.toml by hugovk in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1700 * Drop Rob's email address in project config. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1699 * Fix highlighting on history panel by scuml in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1698 * Allow Language Selection on the Toolbar by leandrodesouzadev in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1703 * Attach handlers to djDebug instead of document by scuml in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1702 * Formalize support for Python 3.11. by tim-schilling in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1713 New Contributors * adamantike made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1676 * SmailBestybay made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1687 * ofek made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1690 * hugovk made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1700 * leandrodesouzadev made their first contribution in https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/1703 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/compare/3.7...3.8.1 ``` ### 3.8 ``` This tag was not released due to a bug in the release job. Use 3.8.1 ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/django-debug-toolbar - Changelog: https://data.safetycli.com/changelogs/django-debug-toolbar/