tiagocoutinho / multivisor

Centralized supervisor WebUI and CLI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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multivisor web interface does not come up (hangs) #95

Closed kratsg closed 1 year ago

kratsg commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to understand how to debug this. unfortunately, there's not a lot of error messages or information on what's going wrong here. I can confirm that supervisord/ctl is up and running on the port and listening via netcat (is there another way I can check?)

[root@itkpix-srv itkpix-srv.ucsc.edu]# nc -zvw10  itkpix-rpi-5.ucsc.edu 9002
Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.01 seconds.

however the logs I get when running multivisor (see #88) are as follows (it almost seems like it's hanging?):

[root@itkpix-srv itkpix-srv.ucsc.edu]# docker logs -f multivisor
/venv/bin/multivisor --bind -c /multivisor.conf
INFO 2023-04-06 06:14:20,634 root: Start accepting requests
INFO 2023-04-06 06:14:20,638 multivisor.itkpix-rpi-5.ucsc.edu: (re)initializing...

I'm not sure what's going wrong here as the server does not spin up and it's not responding over HTTP.

kratsg commented 1 year ago

Update: it seems to have resolved itself by just.. removing the image and re-building / re-running everything.