tiagoshibata / Android-GPSd-Forwarder

Android service to forward NMEA messages to a GPSd server
MIT License
44 stars 21 forks source link

Submit to F-Droid #2

Closed etam closed 6 years ago

etam commented 6 years ago

Pretty please :)


tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

I'll take a look at the project and submission process next week. Does it help if I provide APK somewhere instead? I might not want to package and submit it to more repositories.

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

I took a quick look at the project and don't feel like going through the submission process. I can provide compiled APKs at the GitHub releases page if that helps.

etam commented 6 years ago

Thanks for looking into that. Providing apks at github may also help. You could get it then on IzzyOnDroid repository https://gitlab.com/IzzyOnDroid/repo

etam commented 6 years ago

Is it OK if I open a "Request For Packaging" issue at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp ?

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

Totally. If you need my permission you have it, just don't expect me to push it forward in their repo. I'm busy right now and not willing to keep up the app in more repositories.

I'll provide an APK in GitHub releases sometime in the future (probably within this week).

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

@tiagoshibata could you create tags (one per release) please? That would make the update process easier for F-Droid. From a quick glance I see no problems for your app to make it into the main repo. If it unexpectedly doesn't make it, I gladly serve it via my repo. As the process until your app is listed in main might take a few weeks, be welcome to start with a tag right away, attach the .apk to it, and let me know. Usually takes less than a day for my repo :wink:

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

Awesome! I'm busy these days, but I'll do it when I have the time (probably this Saturday or Sunday). I'm happy to provide APKs in tags or releases (whatever is easier for the users) so people without the app store can use the app, I just don't want the commitment of updating it in multiple stores.

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

@tiagoshibata as long as the APKs are attached to their corresponding tags/releases (at Github, these two are synonyms), my auto-updater can pick them – so no additional maintenance needed for an "additional store". For the "official F-Droid repo" (RFP is here) it's similar: tags enable automated update checks, so the new version is built then (just remember to increase versionCode and versionName before creating the tag).

So as soon as you've created the tags, please let me know. I'd then adjust the RFP accordingly (update check method) – and, if there's an (signed) APK attached, pull it into my repo (as soon it's in the official repo, I'd remove it from mine to avoid confusion).

licaon-kter commented 6 years ago


app/src/main/res/mipmap-ldpi why isn't it named .png ? Where is it used?

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

That was probably my mistake when converting icon densities and moving files around. I'll fix that, thanks for catching it!

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

@licaon-kter it's fixed now.

@IzzySoft I created a release for v1.0.1. I have a few questions about your needs:

The APK in this release is signed with my store credentials and in release mode. Let me know if I should change something.

licaon-kter commented 6 years ago

F-Droid compiles and signs its own.

After F-Droid pick it up, @IzzySoft will drop it from his repo

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

As @licaon-kter wrote. But it is not yet in mine :wink: So for my repo:

The currently attached APK does not "work out":

ERROR: No signing certificates found in repo/io.github.tiagoshibata.gpsdclient_1.0.1.apk
WARNING: Skipping 'io.github.tiagoshibata.gpsdclient_1.0.1.apk' with invalid signature!
tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

So, no more action from my part, just keeping pushing tags for each release?

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Above error still exists. For the official repo: yes, keep creating tags for each new version. For my repo you'd need to provide a signed APK. If you want to skip my repo and just wait until your app turns up in the official one, that's of course fine with me – just let me know then so I stop checking :wink:

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

Okay, I understand you now :smiley: . Which build/signing configuration should I use? I used release with full APK signature (the newer method). Should I sign with the older method instead? Screenshot attached.

2018-08-07-00 19 33-screenshot

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

I'm not a dev, so I cannot tell for sure. I can deal with v1 and v2 AFAIK, IMHO you could even sign with both at the same time. Let me know when you've attached an APK, I'll check it then ASAP.

licaon-kter commented 6 years ago

Older Android versions might not accept V2 BTW, use both.

tiagoshibata commented 6 years ago

Okay, I updated the APK to use both signature versions. Let me know how it goes.


IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Indirect answer: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/io.github.tiagoshibata.gpsdclient

Direct answer: Works :wink: :+1: :fireworks: