tiangexiang / OccNeRF

[ICCV 2023] Rendering Humans from Object-Occluded Monocular Videos
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OcMotion dataset #6

Open yejr0229 opened 7 months ago

yejr0229 commented 7 months ago

Hi,I wonder will the OcMotion dataset be public?

tiangexiang commented 7 months ago

yes! Sorry for the delay, it is expected to be released before the end of this month.

tiangexiang commented 6 months ago

The preprocessed two OcMotion sequences along with the config files have been released. Please see README for more details! Please let me know if you encounter any problems.

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for sharing the dataset.Now I can't figure out how to select train dataset and eval dataset for OcMotion.The 0011_02 video has 501 images totally,and since like you choose 501 images for training.But unlike zju_mocap,there is no script to preprocess OcMotion for evaluation,how should I do?

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

It seems like OcMotion only have the occluded images,we can't compare the predicted image with the unoccluded image ,so I wonder how to calculate the metrics for the predicted images?

tiangexiang commented 6 months ago

Yes, in real-world data, like OcMotion, there is no GT for the occluded regions. In the paper, we only computed SSIM/PSNR on the visible human parts only (masked by the binary masks). The provided OcMotion data are already preprocessed. Please let me know if you encounter any problems during evaluation.

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

Thanks a lot!Now I try to project world 3d pts onto 2d image plane,and the results doesn't look right,seems like the translation is a bit wrong.I am not familiar with the OcMotion dataset,could you please give me some advices?

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago


yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

Here is my code to project points,the R,T,K are all cameras' parameters. RT = torch.cat([torch.tensor(data.R.transpose()), torch.tensor(data.T).reshape(3,1)], -1)[None, None].cuda() xyz = torch.repeat_interleave(world_3d_pts.squeeze(0)[None, None], repeats=RT.shape[1], dim=1) xyz = torch.matmul(RT[:, :, None, :, :3].float(), xyz[..., None].float()) + RT[:, :, None, :, 3:].float() xyz = torch.matmul(torch.tensor(data.K)[None, None][:, :, None].float().cuda(), xyz)[..., 0] xy = xyz[..., :2] / (xyz[..., 2:] + 1e-5) src_uv = xy.view(-1, *xy.shape[2:]).squeeze(0) # (6890,2)

tiangexiang commented 6 months ago

Your projection script looks good, did you use the provided official SMPL translation when obtaining the world_3d_pts?

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

I use the following code to transform points from smpl space to world space,where R=smpl_params['R'] ,Th=smpl_params['Th'] R_inv = torch.inverse(R) world_src_pts = torch.matmul(smpl_src_pts, R_inv) + Th And the extrinsics of camera have transform to world coord using these codes: E = apply_global_tfm_to_camera( E=E, Rh=dst_skel_info['Rh'], Th=dst_skel_info['Th']) R = E[:3, :3] T = E[:3, 3]

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

Sorry,I make a mistake.This is without camera global transform: camera_no_global This one with camera global transform: camera_global

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

Your projection script looks good, did you use the provided official SMPL translation when obtaining the world_3d_pts?

And if I add smpl_param['trans'] on world_3d_pts,the src_uv will be out of boundary.

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

If I remove the global transform of cameras and project without smpl_param['Th'] like this: src_uv = project_3d_to_2d(data, torch.matmul(smpl_src_pts, R_inv)) I will get: camera_smpl_pts_with_R_inv Seems like still missing a translation,but the provided official SMPL translation didn't work.

tiangexiang commented 6 months ago

Someone has found that using the visualization script from the OcMotion repo may give the correct rendering. Please give it a try. I will look into this issue a bit later myself :)

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

sorry for bothering again,but my projection result still seems a bit wrong.I'm pretty sure my projection code is right because I get the same result using ocmotion's code. Here is my code to transform points from canonical space to observation space,I remove 'Th' and get the above result but still not right. DZNY81JTI`2}7R}0QQ@@B_U

hi-zhangjie commented 6 months ago

From my previous tests, the SMPL parameters and camera parameters are correct in both the ocmotion dataset and the preprocessed data in this repository. 000000

yejr0229 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for sharing,I check my code and found I add wrong transpose on camera.R,now my projection result is like that: F2N%KB SG13W$JUTBBEK~5L Is this looks right now?

hi-zhangjie commented 6 months ago

What is the id of this pic, I will check it later

imabackstabber commented 5 months ago

I'm a little confused by the OcMotion training and testing settings. I found that only frames from a single camera are provided. So it implies that the same picture for training is also used for testing...? Or I must be missing the frames used for testing? Where should I get them?

yejr0229 commented 5 months ago

Because OcMoton dataset didn't capture unoccluded image,I think testing is to directly rendering the input frames.

yejr0229 commented 5 months ago

What is the id of this pic, I will check it later

I have fix this,thanks so much!

imabackstabber commented 5 months ago

Because OcMoton dataset didn't capture unoccluded image,I think testing is to directly rendering the input frames.

Ok, thanks a lot! Also, I happened to encounter the same problem, which is a misalignment between SMPL mesh and humans in the 2D images using the parameters provided.(like you described in this issue), would you mind sharing your code snippet? That will help me a lot!

ZeKai-Jiang commented 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing,I check my code and found I add wrong transpose on camera.R,now my projection result is like that: F2N%KB SG13W$JUTBBEK~5L Is this looks right now?

I encounter the same problem, could you explain it more clearly? Thank you very much!