tianocore / edk2-basetools

EDK II BaseTools Python tools as a PIP module
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When install VS2019 if use VS2015 or VS2013 build will auto select VS2019 #3

Closed mini92 closed 3 years ago

mini92 commented 3 years ago

When install VS2019 if use VS2015 or VS2013 build will auto select VS2019 image

spbrogan commented 3 years ago

sorry. I need a lot more context. What are you building. How are you invoking it. Can you provide full reproduction steps.

mini92 commented 3 years ago

reproduction step: Win10x64 1.install Visual Studio 2013 use -t VS2013x86 build EdkII is ok 2.install Visual Studio 2015 use -t VS2013x86 or VS2015 build EDKII is ok 3.install Visual Studio 2019 use use -t VS2013 or VS2015 build EDK will auto slect VS2019 (as like image) and report err 4.if use VS2019 forcerebuild base tool ,use -t VS2019 build EDK is ok

spbrogan commented 3 years ago

I assume you are "building" the basetools C source files using https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/BaseTools/toolsetup.bat? If so this should be a bug/issue against that part of the project. You can file it here. https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/

spbrogan commented 3 years ago

I should also add here is a link that projects contribution process.