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tree: Remove deprecated ACPI OP codes #5809

Open ElyesH opened 4 weeks ago

ElyesH commented 4 weeks ago

Clean up OP codes according to ACPI specs.

(See https://uefi.org/specs/ACPI/6.5/20_AML_Specification.html?highlight=aml%20byte%20stream%20byte%20values#acpi-machine-language-aml-specification )

pierregondois commented 3 weeks ago

Hello Elyes, Even though the OpCodes you want to remove are effectively deprecated, I don't think they should be removed. The mAmlByteEncoding array is used to parse/decode AML blobs. So even if a deprecated opcode is encountered, it should still be possible to parse/decode it. An issue could come if someone wants to generated AML code for these deprecated opcodes, but this code should be pushed back,

Regards, Pierre