But I was thinking if there's something that can be added as an option when running the image, maybe the entrypoint could have extra packages names as an argument and install them before running, for example
docker run -ti --rm -v ./.volumes/db:/var/lib/postgresql tianon/postgres-upgrade:14-to-16 --packages=postgresql-14-postgis-3,postgresql-16-postgis-3
and that just runs apt update && apt install postgresql-14-postgis-3 postgresql-16-postgis-3 before the upgrade
There's an error when trying to upgrade and postgis is installed, I've found the following workaround
But I was thinking if there's something that can be added as an option when running the image, maybe the entrypoint could have extra packages names as an argument and install them before running, for example
and that just runs
apt update && apt install postgresql-14-postgis-3 postgresql-16-postgis-3
before the upgrade