can we add a funktion to catch 301 redirects to https and save the blobs?
so a http reqest form client will be saved to disk / cache form nginx.
and than the client get the file form nginx.
to cache / save files on github, as github hase a forced 301 to https
without the need of a MitM CA cert on any clients,
as the get the files still only in plan http.
mybe something in this way:
location /images/ {
root /data/www;
error_page 404 = @fetch;
Sorry for the delay! This is a cute hack, but IMO this would encourage folks to use non-https URLs, which I think is a net loss. :confused: :disappointed:
can we add a funktion to catch 301 redirects to https and save the blobs? so a http reqest form client will be saved to disk / cache form nginx. and than the client get the file form nginx.
to cache / save files on github, as github hase a forced 301 to https without the need of a MitM CA cert on any clients, as the get the files still only in plan http.
mybe something in this way: location /images/ { root /data/www; error_page 404 = @fetch; }
location @fetch { internal;
mybe some other way?