Closed triple-tam closed 3 years ago
everything including the logs and prediction files is included in the links. Please try the true validation set and let me know if you still can't reproduce the results. I don't have the mini subset to test at the moment
trailer 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 construction_vehicle 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 barrier 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 nan nan
It seems that there is no trailer/cv / barrier in this mini subset so that their map and nds are zero. I think the performance is quite reasonable
It is not possible for me to download the whole dataset (300 GB), but I appreciate your insight! Thank you
Hi @triple-tam & @tianweiy
I am not able to get the evaluation done for Nuscenes dataset v1.0-mini
. Even I run the same command as @triple-tam i.e.
python ./tools/ ./configs/nusc/voxelnet/ --work_dir /scratch/sidd/output/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_dcn_flip/ --checkpoint /scratch/sidd/checkpoint/voxel_dcn_flip.pth --speed_test
The error says there is no val split for the v1.0-mini version. But in the output of @triple-tam, I see that ground truth is being loaded from mini_val split... To load from mini_val split, did you change anything in the code?? If Yes, can you please tell me where should I make changes to get the evaluation done for mini_val split..
Here is the output and the error which I get
no apex
No Tensorflow
2022-04-19 16:47:36,388 - INFO - Distributed testing: False
2022-04-19 16:47:36,388 - INFO - torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark: False
2022-04-19 16:47:36,466 - INFO - Finish RPN Initialization
2022-04-19 16:47:36,467 - INFO - num_classes: [1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2]
Use HM Bias: -2.19
Use Deformable Convolution in the CenterHead!
2022-04-19 16:47:36,518 - INFO - Finish CenterHead Initialization
Use Val Set
2022-04-19 16:47:38,699 - INFO - work dir: /scratch/sidd/output/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_dcn_flip/
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] 81/81, 2.1 task/s, elapsed: 39s, ETA: 0s
Total time per frame: 0.3941149005183467
Loading NuScenes tables for version v1.0-mini...
23 category,
8 attribute,
4 visibility,
911 instance,
12 sensor,
120 calibrated_sensor,
31206 ego_pose,
8 log,
10 scene,
404 sample,
31206 sample_data,
18538 sample_annotation,
4 map,
Done loading in 0.9 seconds.
Reverse indexing ...
Done reverse indexing in 0.1 seconds.
Finish generate predictions for testset, save to /scratch/sidd/output/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_dcn_flip/infos_val_10sweeps_withvelo_filter_True.json
Initializing nuScenes detection evaluation
Loaded results from /scratch/sidd/output/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_dcn_flip/infos_val_10sweeps_withvelo_filter_True.json. Found detections for 81 samples.
Loading annotations for val split from nuScenes version: v1.0-mini
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./tools/", line 211, in <module>
File "./tools/", line 201, in main
result_dict, _ = dataset.evaluation(copy.deepcopy(predictions), output_dir=args.work_dir, testset=args.testset)
File "/home2/siddharth/fresh/CenterPoint/det3d/datasets/nuscenes/", line 296, in evaluation
File "/home2/siddharth/fresh/CenterPoint/det3d/datasets/nuscenes/", line 620, in eval_main
File "/home2/siddharth/CenterPoint/nuscenes-devkit/python-sdk/nuscenes/eval/detection/", line 82, in __init__
self.gt_boxes = load_gt(self.nusc, self.eval_set, DetectionBox, verbose=verbose)
File "/home2/siddharth/CenterPoint/nuscenes-devkit/python-sdk/nuscenes/eval/common/", line 80, in load_gt
'Error: Requested split {} which is not compatible with NuScenes version {}'.format(eval_split, version)
AssertionError: Error: Requested split val which is not compatible with NuScenes version v1.0-mini
Hello Tianwei, I am unable to replicate the detection results (and hence tracking results) on
Nuscenes dataset v1.0-mini
. I run this command/tools/ ./configs/nusc/voxelnet/ --work_dir /path/ --checkpoint /path/ --speed_test
and expect mAP 59.5 and NDS 67.4 approximately. However, I get mAP 42.2 and NDS 50.5. I understand that the train/val split is different and hence some skew is to be expected, but this is a rather large difference. Is there an error I am making, or could you share additional insight? Thank you!
Full output log included below: