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Book Review - An Eye for an Eye (Detective Kate Young, 1) #34

Open tianyuan opened 5 months ago

tianyuan commented 5 months ago

Author: Carol Wyer Genre: thriller; crime Rating (out of 5): :star: :star::star: 今年看完的第10本英文书

Thriller目前是小说里面我唯一喜欢的genre了. 初入坑是 “the silent patient”(如今依然是我最爱的thriller,强烈推荐) 这本an eye for an eye,比较一般,很早我就猜到了凶手。因为是thriller, 就不剧透了。 英文上阅读可能有些不是很容易,因为有大量形容场景的词(比如形容房间陈设,家具,物件)。 故事的话,其实并不复杂,对我有点过于predictable。


In Kate’s experience, love and hate were two powerful reasons for people to commit murder.

‘You know we can’t be prejudiced in this line of work, Morgan. We can’t judge people and decide whether or not we like them. We stick to facts – plain and simple facts.’

I’m more a cup-of-cocoa-while-watching-a-documentary person