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GPT Use Cases for Java and AnyLogic Software #39

Open tianyuan opened 3 months ago

tianyuan commented 3 months ago
# GPT用例: JAVA and ANYLOGIC ## How to construct a constructor with over 254 primitive parameters (the limit)? ### My Question > [!NOTE] > Java only allow for 256 arguments in the constructor, how to go beyond those numbers? e.g. I Have 350 parameters need to be initialized in the instructor. > Most of those parameters are primitive types and will be involved in a lot of computation. I do have some performance concerns. Among the ones that you proposed, which one you recommend more? ### GPT Solution Given your context—having a large number of parameters, most of which are primitive types, and a requirement for high computational performance—the best approach is to group parameters into logical objects. #### Implementing Parameter Grouping You should identify logical groups among your parameters. For example, if your class represents a complex simulation with various settings, you might group parameters into categories like DisplaySettings, PhysicsSettings, ControlSettings, etc. #### Example Suppose you have parameters related to screen resolution, physics engine precision, and user control sensitivity. You could create separate classes for each group: ```java class DisplaySettings { int screenWidth; int screenHeight; int refreshRate; public DisplaySettings(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int refreshRate) { this.screenWidth = screenWidth; this.screenHeight = screenHeight; this.refreshRate = refreshRate; } } class PhysicsSettings { double gravity; double friction; // Constructor and getters } class ControlSettings { double sensitivity; // Constructor and getters } Then, your main class could be initialized with instances of these groups: ```java public class Simulation { DisplaySettings displaySettings; PhysicsSettings physicsSettings; ControlSettings controlSettings; public Simulation(DisplaySettings display, PhysicsSettings physics, ControlSettings controls) { this.displaySettings = display; this.physicsSettings = physics; this.controlSettings = controls; } } ``` ## Benchmark Test on Primitive or Wrapper Class (Double vs double) > [!TIP] > **结论:Double平均是double的3倍左右,ArrayList是Array的3倍时间左右.** **Double慢,大概平均是double的3倍不到。** ``` Iterations = 100000 OPERATION_COUNT = 10_000_000; // Number of arithmetic operations Average primitive double operations time: 0.011669893 s Average wrapper Double operations time : 0.029831292 s ``` ## Benchmark Test on Array `[]` vs ArrayList **ArrayList慢,一样平均差不多是 Array的3倍时间.** ``` Iterations = 100000 ARRAY_SIZE = 1_000_000; // Size of the array for iteration tests Average iterating primitive array time: 0.001681544 s Average iterating wrapper array time: 0.005892445 s ``` # Appendix ## Java Code for Benchmark Test ```java public class BenchmarkTest { private static final int ITERATIONS = 3000; // Number of benchmark iterations private static final int OPERATION_COUNT = 10_000_000; // Number of arithmetic operations private static final int ARRAY_SIZE = 1_000_000; // Size of the array for iteration tests public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Iterations = " + ITERATIONS); benchmarkArithmeticOperations(); benchmarkArrayIteration(); } public static void benchmarkArithmeticOperations() { long totalPrimitiveTime = 0; long totalWrapperTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { // Primitive double long startTimePrimitive = System.nanoTime(); double sumPrimitive = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < OPERATION_COUNT; j++) { sumPrimitive += j; } long endTimePrimitive = System.nanoTime(); long usedtimePrimitive = (endTimePrimitive - startTimePrimitive); totalPrimitiveTime += usedtimePrimitive; // Wrapper Double long startTimeWrapper = System.nanoTime(); Double sumWrapper = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < OPERATION_COUNT; j++) { sumWrapper += j; // Autoboxing here } long endTimeWrapper = System.nanoTime(); long usedtimeWrapper = (endTimeWrapper - startTimeWrapper); totalWrapperTime += (endTimeWrapper - startTimeWrapper); } System.out.println("Average primitive double operations time: " + (totalPrimitiveTime / ITERATIONS)/ 1_000_000_000.0 + " s"); System.out.println("Average wrapper Double operations time : " + (totalWrapperTime / ITERATIONS)/ 1_000_000_000.0 + " s"); } public static void benchmarkArrayIteration() { long totalPrimitiveTime = 0; long totalWrapperTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { // Initialize array and ArrayList double[] primitiveArray = new double[ARRAY_SIZE]; Double[] wrapperArray = new Double[ARRAY_SIZE]; for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) { primitiveArray[j] = j; wrapperArray[j] = (double) j; // Autoboxing here } // Iterate over primitive array long startTimePrimitive = System.nanoTime(); double sumPrimitive = 0.0; for (double value : primitiveArray) { sumPrimitive += value; } long endTimePrimitive = System.nanoTime(); totalPrimitiveTime += (endTimePrimitive - startTimePrimitive); // Iterate over wrapper array long startTimeWrapper = System.nanoTime(); Double sumWrapper = 0.0; for (Double value : wrapperArray) { sumWrapper += value; // Unboxing here } long endTimeWrapper = System.nanoTime(); totalWrapperTime += (endTimeWrapper - startTimeWrapper); } System.out.println("Average iterating primitive array time: " + (totalPrimitiveTime / ITERATIONS) / 1_000_000_000.0 + " s"); System.out.println("Average iterating wrapper array time: " + (totalWrapperTime / ITERATIONS) / 1_000_000_000.0 + " s"); } } ``` > [!TIP] > Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily. > [!IMPORTANT] > Key information users need to know to achieve their goal. > [!WARNING] > Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems. > [!CAUTION] > Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.