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Peer Review - 猜猜猜 #9

Closed tianyuan closed 12 months ago

tianyuan commented 1 year ago

最近经历三篇文章的peer review过程, 又积累了不少"经验". 其中一篇, reviewer不是很满意,因为我们没有在revision中cite她/他的文章。 重新细读了一下review意见,画了一些关键字:hybrid simulation, hybrid modeling, participatory research, soft methods, trust in simulation.

我觉得可能是:Mustafee, N.

第二个可能是Harper A.

第三个可能是Andreas Tolk

找到一个有趣的Special Issue: Joint Special Issue on Hybrid Modelling & Simulation, 里面的文章可以查漏补缺一下~

巧合的是editor就是Mustafee, N.


tianyuan commented 1 year ago



Brailsford, S. C., Eldabi, T., Kunc, M., Mustafee, N., & Osorio, A. F. (2019). “Hybrid Simulation Modelling in Operational Research: A State-of-the-art Review”. European Journal of Operational Research, 278(3), 721-737.

dos Santos, V. H., Kotiadis, K., & Scaparra, M. P. (2020). A Review of Hybrid Simulation in Healthcare. In Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1004-1015. IEEE.

Fishwick, P. & Mustafee, N. (2019). “Broadening Participation in Modelling”. In Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1316–1327. IEEE.

Mustafee, N., & Powell, J. H. (2018). “From Hybrid Simulation to Hybrid Systems Modelling”. In Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1430-1439. IEEE.

Mustafee, N., Harper, A., & Onggo, B. S. (2020). “Hybrid Modelling and Simulation (M&S): Driving Innovation in the Theory and Practice of M&S”. In Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pp. 3140-3151. IEEE.

Powell, J. H., & Mustafee, N. (2017). “Widening Requirements Capture with Soft Methods: An Investigation of Hybrid M&S Studies in Healthcare”. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(10), 1211-1222.

Tolk, A., Harper, A., & Mustafee, N. (2021). “Hybrid Models as Transdisciplinary Research Enablers”. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3), 1075-1090.

Viana, J., Simonsen, T. B., Faraas, H. E., Schmidt, N., Dahl, F. A., & Flo, K. (2020). “Capacity and Patient Flow Planning in Post-term Pregnancy Outpatient Clinics: A Computer Simulation Modelling Study”. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 1-15.

Subjects covered (keywords)

Hybrid Simulation, Hybrid Modelling (Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary), Operational Research and Management Science (OR/MS), Healthcare