tianzhi0549 / FCOS

FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection (ICCV'19)
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'from fcos_core import _C' #179

Open yanwu0903 opened 4 years ago

yanwu0903 commented 4 years ago

when i Install 'Testing-only installation' ,i can get right result. but when i run a quick demo find " no module** named _C". Errors occur mainly in roialign,and i don't know the meaning of '_C.roi_align_forward()' in roi_align.py Can you tell me how to solve it?

MsRabbits commented 4 years ago

when i Install 'Testing-only installation' ,i can get right result. but when i run a quick demo find " no module** named _C". Errors occur mainly in roialign,and i don't know the meaning of '_C.roi_align_forward()' in roi_align.py Can you tell me how to solve it?

Have you soved this error?

Chiweishndsme commented 4 years ago

Does anyone solve this error?

VT-developer commented 4 years ago

I run into the same problem. Since there is not a module called _C in the package "fcos_core", "from fcos_core import _C" in "fcos_core/layers/nms.py" actually makes no sense. Does anybody gives a solution?

sunice-nyy commented 4 years ago

i have the same problem!

liu-xb commented 3 years ago

Try to run "python setup.py build develop --no-deps" before training or testing?