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Tibber app for Athom Homey
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Bug: Homey app shows "Device unavailable" while the Pulse device is actually available in the Tibber app #84

Open iver56 opened 12 months ago

iver56 commented 12 months ago

Homey model

Homey Pro Early 2019



Power adapter


Homey Bridge Premium

No response

Tibber version


The bug

The icon for my Tibber Pulse shows a red triangle icon. When I open it I see header "Device unavailable" and error message "Tibber home with specified id not found. Please re-add device.". It seems like this problem in the Homey app doesn't resolve itself automatically. I can see the Tibber Pulse reporting values in real time in the official Tibber Android app.

I have not changed anything in the Tibber app, I have not changed my Tibber Pulse. I haven't changed my Wi-Fi router or anything like that. I have one home with one Tibber Pulse.

It feels like this is the 3rd or 4th time this happens. I don't want to manually check regularly if I need to re-add my Pulse device because some id might have changed somewhere in an internal system. I want it to just work, without manual help. Ideally, the homey app should be able to resolve the id/connection automatically if it got lost somehow. In my situation, with just one Tibber Pulse in my account, that should be doable.

How frequently does this happen?

On the order of 2-3 times per year

Tibber Premium

I have an active Tibber subscription

Diagnostics report

No response

iver56 commented 1 month ago

This bug still exists. I experienced it a few days ago after my internet service provider did some maintenance that led to a few hours of downtime on the internet connection in the home.

My Homey FW is now 12.0.0, and the Tibber homey app version is still 1.9.18.

If you need more info, feel free to ask.