tiberiusteng / financisto1-holo

Financisto 1.6.8 with Holo theme and tweaks
GNU General Public License v2.0
19 stars 11 forks source link

Account list - hiding last transaction date does not work #4

Closed secco-online closed 5 months ago

secco-online commented 5 months ago

Hello It's an old issue, since coming from the old financisto application affecting the account list activity. There is a setting that can be found in preferences -> account list-> hide last transaction date. The setting does not work even after app restart. In the account list the transaction date is always visible. Thanks a lot for your time you are dedicating to reviving this project Let me know if you need more details, like a screenshot or sth Greetings Mac

tiberiusteng commented 5 months ago

swipe back to launcher isn't enough, you must swipe up the app in task switcher to force restart.

secco-online commented 5 months ago

It does not work. Can you check it on you phone? It hasn't been Dowling for 14 years for me so for sure it's not the swipe back/application restart issue. All the forks of the original Financisto are having this problem. I attach a screenshot so you can see which info shall be hidden but it is not Screenshot_20240109-062538

tiberiusteng commented 5 months ago

https://github.com/tiberiusteng/financisto1-holo/commit/6997e0bfadd399bda91064fb0f3c0690b34b8b62 It's been updated with a new choice option, and it's indeed working on my phone.

secco-online commented 5 months ago

I see it now. Works like a charm. Thanks..issue to be closed

secco-online commented 5 months ago
