tiberiusteng / financisto1-holo

Financisto 1.6.8 with Holo theme and tweaks
GNU General Public License v2.0
19 stars 11 forks source link

Budget screen. Overlapping labels of categories with the budget amount #8

Closed secco-online closed 5 months ago

secco-online commented 5 months ago

A new issue that was not present in the legacy application. In gacmse budget has a lot of categories included, there are overlapping labels of categories with the budget amount. I'm attaching the screenshot form the legacy application there the labels get truncated and the latest version of Financisto Holo with the overlap. This makes the budget amongst unreadable Screenshot_20240109-112729 Screenshot_20240109-112745

tiberiusteng commented 5 months ago

got it, will be fixed in next release