I am using angular-gridster2 to render ng-mapbox-gl map , which renders map 40 % width of container . When i used it outside of gridster2( in saparate component ) then it working fine . Please suggest any solution .
and the html is:
<mgl-map [style]="'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9'"
[center]="[defaultLongitude, defaultLatitude]" [trackResize]="true" >
I am using angular-gridster2 to render ng-mapbox-gl map , which renders map 40 % width of container . When i used it outside of gridster2( in saparate component ) then it working fine . Please suggest any solution .
and the html is: <mgl-map [style]="'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9'" [zoom]="[defaultZoomLevel]" [center]="[defaultLongitude, defaultLatitude]" [trackResize]="true" >