Open SamithaS opened 5 years ago
@SamithaS I am also facing the same issue. gridster-item height is less than the dropped widget. Did you found any workaround? I am using ng-dynamic-component though
This can be handled through css.
Hi @SamithaS Can you please tell me how did you manage to use item.widgetComponent to add the component? I am using this code to add dynamic components(Charts): <gridster-item ngFor="let item of layout" [item]="item" class="gs-w"> <ng-container ngComponentOutlet="item"> But the issue is that: 1- I add a Pie Chart 2- I add another line chart to the same gridster 3- All the charts becomes from the same type - all line charts or all pie charts.
I cannot control which type should be added
I am using <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="item.widgetComponent"> for add components to gridster items. The problem is if the widget component size is grater than the actual gridster item then scrolling is not supported. Part of the widget is missing, any idea to overcome this issue?