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''dug' as a light verb? #7

Closed solmsdorf closed 7 years ago

solmsdorf commented 7 years ago

Can 'dug function as a light verb, similar to yod (cf. https://github.com/tibetan-nlp/lim-annodoc/issues/3)?

E. g. from Mila 11b: gzhan (arg1) rnams kyang shugs ring (arg2) nar nar 'dug (V) "the others, too, sighed deeply".

=> 'dug may at times also be interpreted as a cop (= testimonial use of 'dug, cf. Hill 2013)! Which may also be the case here.

E. g. from Mila 55b: yi ge (N=arg1) rnams khra lam me (A) 'dug pa (cop) "the letters were clear".

heacu commented 7 years ago

Regarding copular uses of 'dug with adjectival predication, we can analyze them as we analyze copular uses of yin. So yi ge is not arg1, at least not of the VERB. Rather, it is an argument of the ADJ. 'dug pa therefore depends on rnams khra lam me via the cop relation.

I realize that the example is on Mila 55b, but if you can annotate that example anyway in BRAT, then I can copy it into the documentation.

solmsdorf commented 7 years ago

Ok, copula use of 'dug should be implemented. The above-mentioned example cannot be annotated that way, it's not possible to draw relation-arcs from an A.

heacu commented 7 years ago

I had configured the cop relation to only target words with the AUX POS tag, like yin. I have now broadened the relation to target any VERB. Most verbs can't be copulas, but 'dug can.

You should now be able to annotate the example on Mila 55b. You won't be able to make the NOUN depend on the ADJ, but that's okay, because for the time being we are only annotating verbs.

heacu commented 7 years ago

Can I close this issue? Can you do what you need to do?