tibiamaps / tibia-kill-stats

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Additional global JSONs #1

Open muriloricci opened 1 year ago

muriloricci commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add more global JSONs? I have some ideas, maybe you could add some if you think it's interesting or useful:

mathiasbynens commented 1 year ago

I'm definitely open to this. In addition to your suggestions, I had a TODO list here: https://github.com/tibiamaps/tibia-kill-stats/blob/25fabc3e37087f6d5bf3e4c4809e02635fa45aec/analyze-bosses.mjs#L525-L535

Here's an example patch that adds some new boss categories, which then in turn result in additional files being created: https://github.com/tibiamaps/tibia-kill-stats/commit/25fabc3e37087f6d5bf3e4c4809e02635fa45aec

We could do the same thing for non-bosses. Most of the work is compiling the list of creatures per category -- so if anyone wants to help but doesn't feel like sending a patch, just commenting here with the creature lists would be super helpful!

mathiasbynens commented 1 year ago

Added some more boss categories in 957164f142c8a1c8534fa392024d0f532b3d1fc0.