tibiamaps / tibia-kill-stats

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Add past data from other sources #9

Open rmobis opened 1 year ago

rmobis commented 1 year ago

I've just stumbled upon this repository and is a great idea. Only downside I see is that the data is relatively fresh, at most 1 year old. I wonder if you'd be open to importing older data. That would make it a great centralized source for this kind of data.

One possible source would be GuildStats; their website is ~somewhat~ easily crawlable and it should be a trustworthy source for data all the way back to Feb 2015. I can contact them and ask if that'd be okay (the data is public but asking is good manners) and if it is I can work on a script to import it.

What do you think?

mathiasbynens commented 1 year ago

I'd be open to that, as long as we can follow the existing formats exactly. Maybe GuildStats would be willing to share the data with us for this purpose (instead of us having to scrape).

rmobis commented 9 months ago

Been a while but I finally sent Sir Dzidek an email. Let's see what he has to say. =)

muriloricci commented 6 months ago

I'm curious, is there any update on this?

rmobis commented 6 months ago

@muriloricci Unfortunately, no. I got no reply from Sir Dzidek and I imagine he's not interested considering shortly after I made this thread mentioning the data would be crawlable he made an update to the site limiting the data available to only the last 20 entries for each world.