tibonto / aeon

The Academic Event Ontology (AEON) can be used to represent information regarding academic events.
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Figure out how event committee member roles can be further destinguished #136

Closed StroemPhi closed 1 year ago

StroemPhi commented 2 years ago

So far there is only a event committee member and a event committee chair role, as we couldn't find proper definition examples that would allow a good differentiation in terms of subclassing these.

We would eventually like to have proper definitions and thus differentia criteria for such roles as being a member or chair of a:

A possible source for defining these might be Chairs of academic events: The investments and academic impact.

StroemPhi commented 1 year ago

At the moment it seems the most simplest solution to use RO_0002350 ('member of') to say someone is a member of an academic event committee, e.g.:

###  http://www.example.com/_Aysa_Ekanger
ex:_Aysa_Ekanger rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                          obo:NCBITaxon_9606 ;
                 obo:RO_0002350 ex:_Munin2022_general_committee ;
                 dce:creator <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1595-3213> .

In #151 the event committee classes were defined via very generic event organizer roles. This seems to prevent the need on defining subclasses of 'event committee chair role' or the definition of a 'event committee member role' for now.

When we say that someone is a ro:'member of' a certain aeon:'event committee', we imply that this someone bears some sort of role, which is a part of the role borne by this committee. To make this explicit, we could use the imported CRO roles. If we want to say that this someone is not just a regular member but the chair of that committee, we would have to assert that this someone also has an aeon:'event committee chair role'.