ticketmaster / actions-on-google-kotlin

Unofficial Actions on Google SDK for Kotlin and Java
Apache License 2.0
119 stars 20 forks source link

actions-on-google not available in Maven Central #33

Open steveperkins opened 6 years ago

steveperkins commented 6 years ago

Has this artifact been moved or renamed? README.md shows this POM dependency:


but mvnrepository.com can't find it. Maven Central search returns only one result that doesn't match the README:

Group ID: ca.sukhsingh.actions (README says  'com.tmsdurham.actions')
Artifact ID: actions-on-google (matches README)
Latest Version: 1.0.2 (README says 1.5.0)

Is there a new group ID or artifact ID?

ggrell commented 6 years ago

@steveperkins It's on jcenter, instead of Maven Central: https://bintray.com/patjackson52/maven/com.tmsdurham.actions

steveperkins commented 6 years ago

The README for this project shows that it's intended to be in Maven Central as well under group ID com.tmsdurham.actions. Is the README wrong? Is the package in Maven Central under a different name? actions-on-google-kotlin

patjackson52 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, about that misleading readme. I am in process of getting it on maven. It is hosted on JCenter for now. I do not use the maven build tool. If the documentation is missing something to configure maven to use jcenter, a PR to update the docs would be appreciated.

davidmarinangeli commented 6 years ago

Hi Patrick, I'm using jcenter repo to add your library on my project. Unfortunately it doesn't import DialogflowApp object (com.tmrdurham.actions.DialogflowApp).

Is it a common problem? Do you know some fix?

patjackson52 commented 6 years ago

@davidmarinangeli are you using maven? I have not used maven with this artifact and I am not much help in that area.

davidmarinangeli commented 6 years ago

Yep, Maven.

Unfortunately also with Gradle it doesn't find me DialogflowApp project...where am I wrong?

For now I'm importing the SDK manually (but as you can imagine, is a temporary workaround...)

morbyx commented 6 years ago

Indeed "actions-on-google" looks pretty empty. Try using "actions-on-google-core" instead. That one seems to have all the objects. I've tested it today with Maven with the JCenter repository added.

patjackson52 commented 6 years ago

@morbyx yes, -core is the bulk of the lib. actions-on-google has a dependency on it, so both may be needed. Were you able to get going? Also V2 is in the works, so this may change slightly in the near future if you want V2.

davidmarinangeli commented 6 years ago

Thanks @morbyx but I'm waiting for V2, these days I'm working with the node.js library but I would be really happy to come back to Kotlin/Java ;)