tid-kijyun / XcodeSourceEditorExtension-Alignment

This Xcode source editor extension align your assignment statement.
MIT License
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When the case of "==" will appear wrong alignment #13

Closed Arcovv closed 7 years ago

Arcovv commented 7 years ago

"Alignment" is very easy to use but I met some problems.

There is my code:

object.isSuspend             = model.isSuspend
object.price = model.prices.filter({ $0.type == "02"}).first?.amount ?? 0
object.unit                  = model.count.unit

After using align, will be like this:

object.isSuspend = model.isSuspend
object.price     = model.prices.filter({ $0.type     =    = "02"}).first?.amount ?? 0
object.unit      = model.count.unit

I need to manually adjust this problem.

Thanks for your help!

tid-kijyun commented 7 years ago

I submitted a new version(1.1.1) to the AppStore. Please wait until it is released.

Arcovv commented 7 years ago

@tid-kijyun Can't wait for the new version!