tid-kijyun / XcodeSourceEditorExtension-Alignment

This Xcode source editor extension align your assignment statement.
MIT License
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Ability to use align based on Colon ':' #8

Closed mohamede1945 closed 7 years ago

mohamede1945 commented 7 years ago

First of all thank you so much for the great extension!

I'd like to ask for a new feature. The ability to handle not only assignment but also ":" this is going to be useful for functions. For example:

init(imageService: ImageService,
       dataRetriever: DataRetriever<[String]>,
       audioViewPresenter: AudioBannerViewPresenter,
       bookmarksPersistence: BookmarksPersistence,
       lastPagePersistence: LastPagesPersistence)

would become:

init(imageService           : ImageService,
     dataRetriever          : DataRetriever<[String]>,
     audioViewPresenter     : AudioBannerViewPresenter,
     bookmarksPersistence   : BookmarksPersistence,
     lastPagePersistence    : LastPagesPersistence)
BrikerMan commented 7 years ago

Thank for your work and @mohamede1945 advice. Really need this.

BrikerMan commented 7 years ago

added Ability to use align based on Colon ':' #11

tid-kijyun commented 7 years ago

@BrikerMan Thank you for your PR. 👍 I'll improve so that users can choose to enable / disable this feature, then I'll release a new version.

tid-kijyun commented 7 years ago

I applied for a new version(1.1.0) to iTunes Connect. Please wait for a review.

tid-kijyun commented 7 years ago

Version 1.1.0 has been released on the App Store.

plm75 commented 7 years ago

[Feature request]: Thanks for this awesome plugin. For type declaration, would it be possible to choose not to have any space before the colon ?

example :

var somePropertyA: String!
var somePropertyB: String!

// instead of 
var somePropertyA : String!
var somePropertyB : String!
