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more efficient implementation of runMarkov #1068

Open jwaldmann opened 8 months ago

jwaldmann commented 8 months ago

(will make a PR, just writing down the observation and idea now)

current implemenation is inefficient in several ways (basically, every usage of the list type for storing data for repeated access is questionable)

runMarkov n tp xi seed = reverse -- computes full list before outputting first element
  $ (iterate (markovStep $ renorm) [xi])!! (n-1) where
  markovStep tp' xs = (fromJust
   $ findIndex (r <=) -- linear cost for searching 
 $ scanl1  (+) (tp'!!(head xs) -- linear cost for accessing the matrix
  )) : xs 
    r = timeToRand $ seed + (fromIntegral . length -- computes length each time
  ) xs / fromIntegral n
  renorm = [ map (/ sum x) x | x <- tp ]

of course, this is all quite irrelevant if the set of states is small (e.g., small interval of notes). But perhaps it is not, e.g., if you want to keep previous 2 notes in the state as well.

Ideas for a better implemetation

My implementation achieves these timings:

tidal> m w = [[ abs(x-y) | y <-[0 .. w-1]] | x <- [0 .. w-1]]

tidal> e = 5 ; w = 10

tidal> drop (10^e) $ runMarkov  (10^e + 10) (m w) 0 0
(18.34 secs, 162,666,416 bytes)

tidal> drop (10^e) $ runMarkov' (10^e + 10) (m w) 0 0
(0.18 secs, 87,951,624 bytes)

NB - output also shows that results are identical