tidalcycles / strudel

Web-based environment for live coding algorithmic patterns, incorporating a faithful port of TidalCycles to JavaScript
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Visualising wholes and parts #816

Open yaxu opened 10 months ago

yaxu commented 10 months ago

It'd be nice to have an option to visualise event fragments with pianoroll/punchcard etc.

Currently wholes are visualised, rather than parts: https://strudel.cc/#cygiYmQiKS5tYXNrKCIxIH4iKS5wdW5jaGNhcmQoKQ%3D%3D

and parts without onsets are sometimes-but-not-always ignored: https://strudel.cc/#cygiYmQiKS5tYXNrKCJ%2BIDEiKS5wdW5jaGNhcmQoKQ%3D%3D

Events with missing offsets could look like this: image

Or with the 'whole' shown: image

Events with missing onsets could be greyed out, to show that they normally don't have any effect: image

yaxu commented 10 months ago

@felixroos I don't suppose you could point me to where the haps are currently getting filtered? I'm trying to work out how to let through the events that are missing onsets.