tidb-perf-challenge / pcp

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PCP/Sign Up #60

Open qinggniq opened 5 years ago

qinggniq commented 5 years ago

Team Sign up

sre-bot commented 5 years ago

You've signing up successfully, go finding some tasks here TiDB Issues:https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/projects/26 TiKV Issues:https://github.com/tikv/tikv/projects/20 PD Issues:https://github.com/pingcap/pd/projects/2.

Team Member:

you06 commented 5 years ago

Your team info has been updated, pingcap/pd#1937 and pingcap/pd#1942 are related to this issue sign up now. When the PRs get merged, you will get 100 points for each task(0 score issue has been fixed). When the PRs are under reviewing, you can pick up new issues to your team. If there are any problems, call me in this issue.