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Handle "discovery" style use cases #72

Open cheddar opened 10 years ago

cheddar commented 10 years ago

This issue is the product of https://github.com/tidepool-org/hub/issues/71

There are some use cases where a user wants to figure out something like, "have I ever had a basal rate that was the same before and after midnight?", or "have I ever gone low around 3pm?" or "have I ever bolused at 4am?"

The current (as of 05/02/14) Blip does not really support these questions. If the answer can be gotten from SMBG, then you can use the two week view. But if it can't, you must use the arrow scrolls on the one day view to go through all of your data, a proposition that can be time expensive.

We should have something that provides a user with the ability to answer these types of questions.

brandonarbiter commented 10 years ago

Absolutely! Our Sonar concepts begin to address this. I look forward to getting situational recall and pattern recognition off the roadmap and into our products.

Cc: @ianjorgensen @HowardLook @skrugman @jebeck @nicolashery