tidev / hyperloop-examples

Native Hyperloop examples in Titanium.
79 stars 49 forks source link

Script Error Couldn't find module #75

Closed JimmyDLA closed 6 years ago

JimmyDLA commented 6 years ago

Having issues with Hyperloop Example app when it's build and running on simulator. Once the iOS simulator is up and running everything looks fine until you touch one of the examples.

screen shot 2018-02-23 at 1 05 50 pm

When you touch any of the examples, the "Application Error" pops up and alerts me with:

screen shot 2018-02-23 at 1 07 20 pm screen shot 2018-02-23 at 1 06 51 pm

Script Error Couldn't find module: /hyperloop/uikit/uiapplication for architecture: x86_64 Script Error Couldn't find module: /hyperloop/coregraphics/coregraphics for architecture: x86_64 Script Error Couldn't find module: /hyperloop/uikit/uiview for architecture: x86_64 etc... (depending on which one you touch)

I don't know what might be causing this since I have all the requirements. I will add images, the logs, and anything else that might be useful. Thank you and I hope we can find the issue 😃 !

hyperloop error logs.log

PS: Liveview is disabled

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

This really sounds like a liveview issue, are you really sure you are not using it? Try to clean the build/ directory and run it from CLI (appc run -p ios) to see a difference. Also, please attach your tiapp.xml and remember to remove senstive keys before.

JimmyDLA commented 6 years ago

Yes, I have double checked and it is not the liveview. I will attach the tiapp.xml file so you can take a look.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ti:app xmlns:ti="http://ti.appcelerator.org">
    <description>This app demonstrates Hyperloop</description>
    <copyright>2015-2018 by Appcelerator, Inc.</copyright>

    <property name="ti.ui.defaultunit" type="string">dp</property>
    <property name="run-on-main-thread" type="bool">true</property>
                            <string>Can we use your location to detect iBeacons?</string>
                            <string>Can we use your location to detect iBeacons in the background?</string>
                <!-- iOS 11+ -->
                            <string>Can we use your location to detect iBeacons in the background?</string>
    <android xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
            <application android:theme="@style/appcelerator" android:icon="@mipmap/appicon" android:roundIcon="@mipmap/appicon_foreground"  />
        <module version="3.0.2">hyperloop</module>
        <target device="android">true</target>
        <target device="ipad">true</target>
        <target device="iphone">true</target>
        <target device="windows">true</target>
    <plugin version="1.0">ti.alloy</plugin>
JimmyDLA commented 6 years ago

I've also clean the build a couple of times. As well as deleted the projected and cloned it again.

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

Does it work on Android?

JimmyDLA commented 6 years ago

Just tried it now and it does work for Android! Also, on iOS, I don't know if this could help but every time I clean the build I get an error and it doesn't finish building

2018-02-24T15:54:21.436Z | ERROR  | An uncaught exception was thrown!
invalid protocol specified "SSDPServiceBrowserDelegate" (/Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Hyperloop_Sample.app/alloy/controllers/libraries/ssdp.js:64:26)
2018-02-24T15:54:21.437Z | ERROR  | invalid protocol specified "SSDPServiceBrowserDelegate" (/Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Hyperloop_Sample.app/alloy/controllers/libraries/ssdp.js:64:26)

That error is only the first time after cleaning the build, but once I run and build the 2nd time, it launches the ios simulator and back to the original error "Script Error Couldn't find module"

Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.1
Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
2018-02-24T15:53:35.707Z | TRACE  | set environment to {"registry":"https://registry.platform.axway.com","baseurl":"https://platform.axway.com"}
2018-02-24T15:53:35.708Z | TRACE  | checking credentials for existing session
2018-02-24T15:53:35.877Z | TRACE  | Attempting to load session info from config file
2018-02-24T15:53:35.882Z | TRACE  | check if session is invalidated
2018-02-24T15:53:36.693Z | TRACE  | refresh session expiry to:  1520092416619
2018-02-24T15:53:36.696Z | TRACE  | session expiry 1520092416619 false
2018-02-24T15:53:36.696Z | TRACE  | Arrow Cloud config file: /Users/jdelosangeles/.acs
2018-02-24T15:53:36.698Z | TRACE  | found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '621668e1c9609e0c6b61b1c4f04b7530c2b85e83',
  publishPort: 443,
  publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com',
  username: 'dev@savingstar.com',
  cookie: [ 'connect.sid=s%3AJY6wx-TwwTcur7mtIXVReRuY39KNfQsj.ehVL28odGmzkNqUZ5txGM68XnyT89TNCTeTPBxPyq%2FA; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 09 Mar 2018 17:03:25 GMT; HttpOnly' ],
   { publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com',
     publishPort: 443 } } , checking nodeACSEndpoint= https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com
2018-02-24T15:53:36.699Z | TRACE  | Arrow Cloud cookie expiry [ 1520615005000 ]
2018-02-24T15:53:36.699Z | TRACE  | session already loaded in opts.session
2018-02-24T15:53:36.701Z | TRACE  | getCredentials() session:
  "ipaddress": "",
  "username": "dev@savingstar.com",
  "password": "<OMITTED>",
  "session": "<OMITTED>",
  "nonce": "<OMITTED>",
  "environment": {
    "name": "production",
    "isProduction": true,
    "acsBaseUrl": "https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com",
    "acsAuthBaseUrl": "https://secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com",
    "nodeACSEndpoint": "https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com"
  "token": "<OMITTED>",
  "fingerprint": "621668e1c9609e0c6b61b1c4f04b7530c2b85e83",
  "fingerprint_description": "Mac OSX Serial Number: C02MM1GCFD59",
  "org_id": 50487598195231,
  "expiry": 1520092416619
2018-02-24T15:53:36.701Z | TRACE  | loading plugins for command "run"
2018-02-24T15:53:36.718Z | TRACE  | run search paths:
2018-02-24T15:53:36.719Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/appc.js
2018-02-24T15:53:36.806Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 85ms /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/appc.js
2018-02-24T15:53:36.806Z | DEBUG  | run plugin: /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium
2018-02-24T15:53:36.810Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 1ms /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js
2018-02-24T15:53:36.813Z | DEBUG  | run plugin: /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/node_modules/arrow
2018-02-24T15:53:36.842Z | TRACE  | plugin "arrow" failed its "when" function check, skipping...
2018-02-24T15:53:36.842Z | TRACE  | loading plugin "titanium" for command "run" CLI options via function
2018-02-24T15:53:36.844Z | TRACE  | loading plugin "titanium" for command "run" CLI options via array
2018-02-24T15:53:36.846Z | TRACE  | executing command "run" with the following plugins:
2018-02-24T15:53:36.847Z | TRACE  | session already loaded in opts.session
2018-02-24T15:53:36.849Z | DEBUG  | Titanium Downloads Last Checked: 1519422277732
2/24/2018, 10:53:40 AM
Operating System
  Name                        = Mac OS X
  Version                     = 10.13.2
  Architecture                = 64bit
  # CPUs                      = 8
  Memory                      = 17179869184
  Node.js Version             = 4.8.7
  npm Version                 = 5.5.1
Titanium CLI
  CLI Version                 = 5.0.14
Titanium SDK
  SDK Version                 = 7.0.2.GA
  SDK Path                    = /Users/jdelosangeles/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/7.0.2.GA
  Target Platform             = iphone
  /usr/local/Cellar/node@4/4.8.7/bin/node /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/node_modules/titanium/lib/titanium.js build --platform ios --log-level trace --sdk 7.0.2.GA --project-dir /Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master --target simulator --ios-version 11.2 --device-family universal --deploy-type development --device-id 9747331E-C0A6-4B7B-981B-2A9A8CB41B06 --skip-js-minify --no-colors --no-progress-bars --no-prompt --prompt-type socket-bundle --prompt-port 49767 --config-file /var/folders/1z/s3cbvt510n98j5x2gdmlp_7r0000gp/T/build-1519487616848.json --no-banner --project-dir /Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master
[INFO] :   Found Titanium module id=hyperloop version=3.0.2 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/jdelosangeles/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/hyperloop/3.0.2
[INFO] :   Found Titanium plugin id=ti.alloy version=1.0 
[INFO] :   Deploy type: development
[INFO] :   Building for target: simulator
[INFO] :   Building using iOS SDK: 11.2
[INFO] :   Building for iOS Simulator: iPhone 7
[INFO] :   Building for device family: universal
[INFO] :   Team ID: n/a
[INFO] :   Minimum iOS version: 8.0
[INFO] :   Logging enabled on port 45168
[INFO] :   Debugging disabled
[INFO] :   Profiler disabled
[INFO] :   Set to copy files instead of symlinking
[INFO] :   Forcing clean build: /Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/build/iphone/build-manifest.json does not exist
[INFO] :   Initializing the build directory
[INFO] :   Found Alloy app in /Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/app
[INFO] :   Executing Alloy compile: /usr/local/opt/node@4/bin/node /Users/jdelosangeles/.appcelerator/install/7.0.1/package/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy compile /Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/app --config platform=ios,version=0,simtype=none,devicefamily=universal,deploytype=development,target=simulator --no-colors
[INFO] :   [config.json] regenerating CFG.js from config.json...
[INFO] :   ----- MVC GENERATION -----
[INFO] :   [app.tss] global style processing...
[INFO] :   [global style] writing to cache...
[INFO] :   [button.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/button.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "button.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/button.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/button.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/button.js"
[INFO] :   [index.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "index.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "index.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "index.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/index.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/index.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/alert.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/alert.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/alert.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/alert.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/alert.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/alert.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/animateview.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/animateview.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/animateview.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/animateview.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/animateview.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/animateview.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/autolayout.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/autolayout.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/autolayout.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/autolayout.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/autolayout.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/beacons.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/beacons.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/beacons.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/beacons.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/beacons.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/blur.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/blur.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/blur.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/blur.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/blur.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/collectionview.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/collectionview.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/collectionview.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/collectionview.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/collectionview.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/custom.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/custom.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/custom.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/custom.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/custom.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/donutchart.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/donutchart.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/donutchart.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/donutchart.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/donutchart.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/drawrect.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/drawrect.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/drawrect.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/drawrect.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/drawrect.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/drawrect.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/gravity.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/gravity.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/gravity.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/gravity.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/gravity.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/httprequest.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/httprequest.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/httprequest.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/httprequest.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/httprequest.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/label.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/label.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/label.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/label.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/label.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/shapes.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/shapes.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/shapes.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/shapes.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/shapes.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/shapes.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/tableview.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/tableview.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/tableview.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/tableview.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/tableview.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/tinder.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/tinder.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/tinder.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/tinder.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/tinder.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/touches.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/touches.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/touches.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/touches.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/touches.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/touchid.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/touchid.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/touchid.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/touchid.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/touchid.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/touchid.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/wkwebview.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/wkwebview.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/wkwebview.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/wkwebview.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/wkwebview.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/wkwebview.js"
[INFO] :   [ios/xib.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "ios/xib.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/xib.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/xib.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/xib.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/calendar.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/calendar.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/calendar.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/calendar.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/calendar.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/charting.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/libraries/charting.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/charting.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/charting.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/charting.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/charting.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/gpuImage.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/gpuImage.xml"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/gpuImage.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/gpuImage.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/index.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/index.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/index.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/index.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/index.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/localytics.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/libraries/localytics.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/localytics.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/localytics.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/localytics.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/localytics.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/markdown.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/libraries/markdown.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/markdown.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/markdown.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/markdown.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/markdown.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/markdownResult.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/markdownResult.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/markdownResult.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/markdownResult.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/markdownResult.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/shimmer.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/shimmer.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/shimmer.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/shimmer.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/shimmer.js"
[INFO] :   [libraries/ssdp.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "ios/libraries/ssdp.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "libraries/ssdp.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/libraries/ssdp.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/libraries/ssdp.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/libraries/ssdp.js"
[INFO] :   [sizefill.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   view:       "sizefill.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "sizefill.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/sizefill.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/sizefill.js"
[INFO] :   [videoplayer.xml] view processing...
[INFO] :   style:      "videoplayer.tss"
[INFO] :   view:       "videoplayer.xml"
[INFO] :   controller: "ios/videoplayer.js"
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/videoplayer.js"
[INFO] :   created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/videoplayer.js"
[INFO] :   
[INFO] :   [app.js] Titanium entry point processing...
[INFO] :   created:    "Resources/iphone/app.js"
[INFO] :   
[INFO] :   ----- OPTIMIZING -----
[INFO] :   - iphone/alloy.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/alloy/sync/localStorage.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/alloy/sync/properties.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/alloy/sync/sql.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/controls.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/log.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/calendardelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/chartdelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/collectionviewdatasourcedelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/collisionbehaviordelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/drawrectview.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/gesturerecognizer.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/locationmanagerdelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/tableviewdatasourcedelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/subclasses/urlsessiondelegate.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/ti.reviewdialog.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/wkwebview.js
[INFO] :   - iphone/xp.ui.js
[INFO] :   
[INFO] :   Alloy compiled in 2.04569s
[INFO] :   Alloy compiler completed successfully
[INFO] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods dependencies found. This will take a few moments but will be cached for subsequent builds
[INFO] :   [Hyperloop] Building CocoaPods dependencies
[INFO] :   Creating Xcode project
[INFO] :   Creating Entitlements.plist
[INFO] :   Creating Info.plist
[INFO] :   Disabling ATS
[INFO] :   Creating main.m
[INFO] :   Creating Xcode config files
[INFO] :   Copying Titanium libraries
[INFO] :   Copying Titanium iOS files
[INFO] :   Cleaning Xcode derived data
[INFO] :   Creating debugger and profiler plists
[INFO] :   Analyzing Resources directory
[INFO] :   Analyzing platform files
[INFO] :   Analyzing module files
[INFO] :   Analyzing localized launch images
[INFO] :   Analyzing CommonJS modules
[INFO] :   Creating asset catalog
[INFO] :   Creating app icon set
[INFO] :   Missing 12 app icons, generating missing icons
[INFO] :     appicon-Small.png - Used for iPad - size: 29x29
[INFO] :     appicon-Small@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 58x58
[INFO] :     appicon-Small@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 87x87
[INFO] :     appicon-Small-40.png - Used for iPad - size: 40x40
[INFO] :     appicon-Small-40@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 80x80
[INFO] :     appicon-Small-40@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120
[INFO] :     appicon-60@2x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120
[INFO] :     appicon-60@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 180x180
[INFO] :     appicon-76.png - Used for iPad - size: 76x76
[INFO] :     appicon-76@2x.png - Used for iPad - size: 152x152
[INFO] :     appicon-83.5@2x.png - Used for iPad - size: 167x167
[INFO] :     appicon-Marketing.png - Used for iPhone - size: 1024x1024
[INFO] :   Creating launch image set
[WARN] :   Missing 2 launch images:
[INFO] :   App thinning disabled, skipping asset image sets
[WARN] :     Default
[WARN] :       Default-Landscape-2436h@3x.png - Used for iPhone - dimensions: 2436x1125, orientation: landscape
[WARN] :       Default-Portrait-2436h@3x.png - Used for iPhone - dimensions: 1125x2436, orientation: portrait
[INFO] :   Processing JavaScript files
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "JBChartView" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Hyperloop_Sample.app/alloy/controllers/libraries/charting.js)
[INFO] :   Writing app properties
[INFO] :   Writing i18n files
[INFO] :   Processing Titanium symbols
[INFO] :   Removing files
[INFO] :   Starting Hyperloop assembly
[WARN] :   Defining third-party sources and frameworks in appc.js via the 'thirdparty' section has been deprecated in Hyperloop 2.2.0 and will be removed in 4.0.0. The preferred way to provide third-party sources is either via dropping frameworks into the project's platform/ios folder or by using CocoaPods.
[WARN] :   Unable to detect framework umbrella header for MyFramework.
[INFO] :   Generating metabase for swift MyFramework /Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/src/MySwift.swift
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:19.901 ibtoold[29036:2530832] <CATransformLayer: 0x7f86c9e65ce0> - changing property masksToBounds in transform-only layer, will have no effect
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:20.469 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[29054:2530960] Could not inset compass from edges 9
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:20.470 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[29054:2530960] Could not inset scale from edge 9
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:20.499 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[29054:2530960] Could not inset compass from edges 9
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:20.499 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[29054:2530960] Could not inset scale from edge 9
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:20.507 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[29054:2530960] Could not inset compass from edges 9
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] CocoaPods 2018-02-24 10:54:20.507 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[29054:2530960] Could not inset scale from edge 9
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= simd_float4x4 type= record value= simd_float4x4
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= simd_float4x4 type= record value= simd_float4x4
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Couldn't resolve typedef: ValueType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= value type= typedef value= ValueType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= simd_float3x3 type= record value= simd_float3x3
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Couldn't resolve typedef: ObjectType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= firstObject type= typedef value= ObjectType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Couldn't resolve typedef: ObjectType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= firstObject type= typedef value= ObjectType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] couldn't find class Protocol * {"name":"protocol","optional":false,"type":{"type":"objc_pointer","value":"Protocol *"}}
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Couldn't resolve typedef: ObjectType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= firstObject type= typedef value= ObjectType
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= nodeInteraction type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= eventValues type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= options type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fcw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fsw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fcw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fsw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fcw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fsw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __es type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __ss type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fs type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __es type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __ss type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fs type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __es type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __ss type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fs type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __es type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __ss type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fs type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __es type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __ss type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fs type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __es type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __ss type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fs type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= uc_stack type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fcw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fsw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm8 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm9 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm10 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm11 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm12 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm13 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm14 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm15 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh8 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh9 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh10 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh11 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh12 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh13 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh14 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh15 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_k7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh8 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh9 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh10 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh11 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh12 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh13 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh14 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmmh15 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm16 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm17 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm18 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm19 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm20 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm21 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm22 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm23 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm24 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm25 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm26 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm27 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm28 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm29 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm30 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_zmm31 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fcw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fsw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm8 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm9 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm10 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm11 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm12 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm13 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm14 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm15 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh8 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh9 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh10 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh11 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh12 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh13 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh14 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_ymmh15 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fcw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_fsw type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_stmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm0 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm1 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm2 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm3 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm4 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm5 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm6 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm7 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm8 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm9 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm10 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm11 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm12 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm13 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm14 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __fpu_xmm15 type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= fl type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= timeout type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= gr_group type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= gsr_group type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= gsr_source type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __u6_addr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ipi6_addr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ipi_spec_dst type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ipi_addr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ip6m_addr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_multiaddr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_interface type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_multiaddr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_sourceaddr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_interface type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_multiaddr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= imr_address type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ip_dst type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ipv6mr_multiaddr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= fsec_acl type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= msfr_group type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ru_utime type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= ru_stime type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= _bf type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= _ub type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= _lb type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= __sigaction_u type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= sigev_value type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= si_value type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= sin_addr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
[WARN] :   [Hyperloop] Not sure how to handle: name= sin6_addr type= unknown type: 119 value= unknown type: 119
2018-02-24T15:54:21.436Z | ERROR  | An uncaught exception was thrown!
invalid protocol specified "SSDPServiceBrowserDelegate" (/Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Hyperloop_Sample.app/alloy/controllers/libraries/ssdp.js:64:26)
2018-02-24T15:54:21.437Z | ERROR  | invalid protocol specified "SSDPServiceBrowserDelegate" (/Users/jdelosangeles/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/hyperloop-examples-master/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Hyperloop_Sample.app/alloy/controllers/libraries/ssdp.js:64:26)
hansemannn commented 6 years ago

Whats your Cocoapods version?

JimmyDLA commented 6 years ago

version 1.4.0

thejam commented 6 years ago

I have this same issue. Also on 1.4.0. Using Ti SDK 7.0.2. Followed suggestion above and disabled liveview, cleaned, built from command line, and still the same issue. Also built from a fresh project, just using JBChartView and straight from the documentation, and still have the same issue.

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

The CocoaPods version may be the cause of the issue. I am currently on vacation, so let me come back to you guys on Tuesday. If you can, try it with CP 1.3.1 to see if there is a difference.

thejam commented 6 years ago

Yes!!! Thank you Hans! I went back to 1.3.1 and the app builds now, and Hyperloop seems to be working. I'll go back to trying to fix it in my app too with the same solution, hopefully this solves it there too. But for now the examples app is working.

Also if it helps others, here's what I did: Confirm Liveview disabled $ sudo gem uninstall cocoapods Follow prompt to remove 1.4.0 (leaving 1.3.1 which I had installed already) Delete Podfile.lock (just in case) Delete the Pods directory (just in case) Clean the project (did it through Studio) Then from command line: $ appc run -p ios

Still got some errors but nothing like before, and Hyperloop did a lot more generating then it did before. The examples app seems to run just fine now.

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

Thanks! We‘ll prepare a patch to support 1.4.0 as well.

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

Follow-up: https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-25829

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

2 Workarounds and a fix are ready. 3.0.3 will likely be released with 7.1.0 GA next week as well as standalone later this week. Thanks for reporting!

hansemannn commented 6 years ago

3.0.3 Beta is ready, please try it out with CocoaPods 1.4.0 (and it should work with 1.3.1 as well): https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/hyperloop-builds/releases/tag/v3.0.3-beta.1