tidev / liveview

Titanium LiveTi (live preview of Titanium applications on device)
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[TIMOB-25790] Do not override global L function to prevent error on iOS #109

Closed ewanharris closed 6 years ago

ewanharris commented 6 years ago



  1. Set up a project with i18n folders (or just grab https://github.com/ewanharris/TIMOB-25790, note that if your locale isn't 'en' you might need to copy the files to the proper folder)
  2. Build the application with liveview
  3. Edit the enter_email value in i18n/en/strings.xml and save the file


When the app is reloaded the label should show the value you changed it to

ewanharris commented 6 years ago

@sgtcoolguy Yeah you're right, it's definitely in a bad-ish place right now and doesn't need to be defined every time we call compile for a script. I'll define it elsewhere, not sure about hanging off Module though as it's not really related to the Module functionality like require