tidoust / parallel-promise

Analysis of "in parallel" algorithm steps in web specs
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In parallel steps that resolve/reject promises without queuing a task #1

Open tidoust opened 5 months ago

tidoust commented 5 months ago

Below is a list of specs known to Webref that reference the in parallel term.

Unchecked specs contain at least one algorithm with steps that resolve/reject a promise while running in parallel without queuing a task first, or have some related issue described in a short comment next to the spec name. In other words, they define something like:

X. Run the following steps in parallel:

  1. Resolve/Reject p with foo.

... instead of:

X. Run the following steps in parallel:

  1. Queue a task on [task source] to resolve/reject p with foo.

Checked specs look correct at first glance. Some of them simply reference the term in a note and do not define actual algorithms with steps in parallel.

Other specs that use "in parallel" without linking to its definition in HTML:
