tidwall / tile38

Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
MIT License
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Protocol error: invalid bulk length #487

Open paavalan opened 4 years ago

paavalan commented 4 years ago

running on docker. getting error

[INFO] Server started, Tile38 version 1.17.2, git 6e98f52 [INFO] AOF loaded 444236 commands: 1.24s, 357483/s, 28 MB/s [FATA] Protocol error: invalid bulk length

izzetkalic commented 4 months ago

is there any update here? I got this error too for k8s clustered installation with leader-follower architecture.

iwpnd commented 4 months ago

this was a very generic description of an issue four years ago, and your comment does not add anything to it. Do you think you can create a new issue using the issue template and give some more detail? Maybe the maintainer or the community can help you out @izzetkalic

izzetkalic commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your reply @iwpnd. This was very vague situation. I literally just restarted my follower deployment and got this error. I thought maybe someone else could get this error and I can get a clue about the solution. Our devops team re-created installation so we were able to run the cluster. I will write details if we can re-produce the error. 🙏