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Error with end-of-chapter references #281

Open jmgirard opened 2 years ago

jmgirard commented 2 years ago

The current citation style uses "---" rather than repeating authors on subsequent lines, e.g.,

Bradley, R, and M Terry. 1952. “Rank Analysis of Incomplete Block Designs: I. The Method of Paired Comparisons.” Biometrika 39 (3/4): 324–45. Breiman, L. 1996a. “Bagging Predictors.” Machine Learning 24 (2): 123–40. ———. 1996b. “Stacked Regressions.” Machine Learning 24 (1): 49–64.

This works great in the references chapter at the end of the book where all references are present. However, it leads to problems in the end-of-chapter reference sections where "---" is used out of context, e.g.,

———. 2001a. “Random Forests.” Machine Learning 45 (1): 5–32. Davison, A, and D Hinkley. 1997. Bootstrap Methods and Their Application. Vol. 1. Cambridge university press. Hyndman, R, and G Athanasopoulos. 2018. Forecasting: Principles and Practice. OTexts. ———. 2020. Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models. CRC Press. Schmidberger, M, M Morgan, D Eddelbuettel, H Yu, L Tierney, and U Mansmann. 2009. “State of the Art in Parallel Computing with R.” Journal of Statistical Software 31 (1): 1–27. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v031/i01. Xu, Q, and Y Liang. 2001. “Monte Carlo Cross Validation.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 56 (1): 1–11.

I recommend either rendering the citations per chapter separately (if possible) or choosing a different citation style that makes the authors explicit (even when repeated).

juliasilge commented 2 years ago

We had this problem in SMLTAR as well (it's a bookdown thing) and we fixed it in EmilHvitfeldt/smltar#58

This only applies to the website so we can deal with it later.