tidymodels / dials

Tools for creating tuning parameter values
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Improve introduction of parameter objects in basic usage vignette #164

Closed hfrick closed 3 years ago

hfrick commented 3 years ago

I think the explanation of the parameters objects could be clearer. The section "Tuning Parameters" ends with

The main type of objects in dials have class param.

and then the next section "parameters Objects" does not refer to class param and at my first reading it was unclear to me if parameters was an object class or a function and how it relates to param.

## `parameters` Objects

`parameters` objects contain information about possible values, ranges, types, and other aspects. There are two main subclasses related to the type of variable. Double and integer valued data have the subclass "quant_param" while character and logicals have "qual_param." There are some common elements for each:

 * Labels are strings that describe the parameter (e.g. "Number of Components")
 * Defaults are optional single values that can be set when one non-random value is requested. 

Otherwise, the information contained in `parameters` objects are different for different data types. 
github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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