tidymodels / tune

Tools for tidy parameter tuning
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Avoid warning from `geom_line()` bubbling up in `autoplot()`? #755

Closed hfrick closed 8 months ago

hfrick commented 1 year ago

Do we want to try to avoid that warning from geom_line()?

#> Loading required package: survival

sim_dat <- prodlim::SimSurv(500) %>%
  mutate(event_time = Surv(time, event)) %>%
  select(event_time, X1, X2)

sim_rs <- vfold_cv(sim_dat)

time_points <- c(10, 1, 5, 15)

mod_spec <-
  decision_tree(tree_depth = tune(), min_n = 4) %>%
  set_engine("partykit") %>%
  set_mode("censored regression")

sint_mtrc <- metric_set(brier_survival_integrated)

grid <- tibble(tree_depth = c(1, 2, 10))
rctrl <- control_race(save_pred = TRUE, verbose_elim = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

aov_integrated_res <-
  mod_spec %>%
    event_time ~ X1 + X2,
    resamples = sim_rs,
    grid = grid,
    metrics = sint_mtrc,
    eval_time = time_points,
    control = rctrl

autoplot(aov_integrated_res, eval_time = 10) 
#> `geom_line()`: Each group consists of only one observation.
#> ℹ Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?

Created on 2023-07-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

topepo commented 10 months ago

The code for this is in tune so I'll move it there.

topepo commented 10 months ago

The offending code is in tune:::plot_marginals()

topepo commented 8 months ago

Let's detect this and then error with an explanation.

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

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