tidypyverse / tidypandas

A grammar of data manipulation for pandas inspired by tidyverse
MIT License
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[bug] filter does not work with mask #25

Closed grahitr closed 2 years ago

grahitr commented 2 years ago
>>> from tidypandas import tidyframe
>>> from palmerpenguins import load_penguins
>>> penguins_tidy = tidyframe(load_penguins())
>>> penguins_tidy.filter(mask= (penguins_tidy.pull("sex") == "male"))
UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [18], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 penguins_tidy.filter(mask= (penguins_tidy.pull("sex") == "male"))

File ~/codes/tidypandas/src/tidypandas/tidyframe_class.py:1679, in tidyframe.filter(self, query, mask, by, **kwargs)
   1666                 res = (self.group_modify(lambda chunk: (
   1667                                              chunk.assign(**{"__mask": lambda x: handle_mask(query(x))})
   1668                                                   .query("__mask")
   1675                                          )
   1676                            )
   1677         res = res.relocate(self.colnames)
-> 1679 if isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame):
   1680     if query is None and mask is not None:
   1681         res = self.__data.loc[mask, :]

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'res' referenced before assignment