When translating a date to SQL with an ODBC connection to an Oracle database, dbplyr returns SQL of the form "DATE 2024-02-27". This is incorrect and leads to the error "Failed to collect lazy table".
dbplyr should should translate o valid Oracle SQL of the form to_date('2024-2-07', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
This problem did not arise when using the ROracle package, which I, like Oracle, have now all but abandoned.
With db as an odbc connection to an Oracle database (Formal class 'Oracle' [package "odbc"]:
dbplyr::translate_sql(X > as.Date("2024-01-01"), con=db)
# Returns: <SQL> "X" > DATE 2024-01-01
When translating a date to SQL with an ODBC connection to an Oracle database, dbplyr returns SQL of the form "DATE 2024-02-27". This is incorrect and leads to the error "Failed to collect lazy table".
dbplyr should should translate o valid Oracle SQL of the form to_date('2024-2-07', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
This problem did not arise when using the ROracle package, which I, like Oracle, have now all but abandoned.
Example; With db as an odbc connection to an Oracle database (Formal class 'Oracle' [package "odbc"]: