tidyverse / googledrive

Google Drive R API
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Legacy app documentation still online on the official website #443

Open giocomai opened 1 year ago

giocomai commented 1 year ago

I suppose it's some sort of caching issue, but it's still kind of confusing, so here it goes.

On the official documentation website of googledrive this page is still online: https://googledrive.tidyverse.org/articles/bring-your-own-app.html

If one looks carefully enough, it does appear that it relates to version 2.0, but if one clicks on the link to the home page, they get redirected to the home page of the documentation for version 2.1.1, so I suppose this is not intentional.

How I encountered it in the real world:

  1. run an old script that relied on the app argument and get the error message:

    "The app argument of drive_auth_configure() is deprecated as of googledrive 2.1.0."

  2. put the error message in a search engine, and get link to this page among top results: https://googledrive.tidyverse.org/articles/bring-your-own-app.html - The domain looks good, and the title relevant to the issue I encounter
  3. go through deprecated documentation before realising that it is actually deprecated
  4. finally, go the new website and go to what is the more relevant and updated page - https://googledrive.tidyverse.org/articles/bring-your-own-client.html